Al Qaeda Vows Revenge for Gaza

zaw.jpgOsama bin Laden’s top deputy in al Qaeda has released a new tape in which he threatens the United States and vows revenge for the deaths of Palestinians in Gaza.

“We will never stop until we avenge the death of all who are killed, injured, widowed and orphaned in Palestine and throughout the Islamic world,” said Ayman al-Zawahiri in a new 10-minute audio recording released today on extreme Islamist Web forums.

The message is entitled “The Massacre in Gaza and the Siege of the Traitors”.

Zawahiri refers directly to President-elect Barack Obama saying he has partnered with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, whom Zawahiri labels as a traitor to Islam.

(Source: ABC News)

18 Responses

  1. Avinu Malkeinu
    Ahsay Nekom Nikmas Dam AVADECHA HaShafuch.
    AhSay L’ma-ancha im lo lma’anaynu
    AhSay L’ma’an rachamecha Harabbim
    Ahsay L’ma’an shimcha Hagadol Hagibor V’hanorah Shenikra Alyanu

    Avinu Malkeinu
    Chanaynu Va’anaynu
    Key Ayn banu ma’asim
    Ahsay Imanu
    Tzedaka VaChessed

    enjoy your break – fast.
    don’t forget to bentch… with kavana.

  2. Whatsamatter towel head??! Afraid to come out of the cave for a public appearance? Worried about that cruise missle? How come we are hearing from the little rat and not the big cheese? Is he dead? We know he is a chicken!

  3. I love the way these clowns sit in hiding and let out their comments. If they are so tough why dont they come out and say it like a man ?? they are a bunch of little cowards!!

  4. One (not anyone here, but someone else) might take him more seriously had Al Qaida been in the forefront of helping Gaza in a humanitarian way to build a civil society. But how else have they shown their love to Gaza?

  5. #1 u made me laugh but we really do have to worry we never know what those animals are planing let’s hope the funny hat guy comes out of hiding so he can get what he deserves !

  6. Ayman al-Zawahiri:

    Nothing you or your terrorist cronies will do will stop Israel this time. THE TIME HAS COME TO RID THE WORLD OF HAMAS FOREVER. So go back to your hole and spare us your grainy videos that appear to have been created in the stone age.

  7. Lucky for us that the arab factions hate each other more than they hate The West. These guys are just mad that Hamas is in the spotlight now and they are afraid that everyone is forgetting about them.

  8. 7, 11: I hear you. But let me respond like this: Big deal. We’re supposed to be wary, but we’re also supposed to not be afraid. Do me a favor #7, don’t tell me what to feel or what to say. History is full of scared people like you. To no great avail. We’re supposed to go into battle B’shem H’ with bitachon that Torah VYisrael V’Oraisa Chad Hu, we’re called by H’s name, and we’re supposed to take them on. What’s out of place is running around like scared chickens as someone else said. There’s nothing wrong with laughing. And there’s nothing wrong with making fun of these animals. Read some Tanach. There’s a chiyuv to kill them all out. The Rambam says it’s a mitzvah to make fun of avodah zarah. So let’s all change our eyeglass lenses once in a while and lighten up, and strengthen up. Chazak v’ematz.

  9. just think about it “towel head” is saying it straight out revenge… and ppl. still take there side? i dont get it? cant ppl. see these reshaim, straight out .. and they r still against Jews..
    They even admit it.. Hashem help!! this is soo scary

  10. Dear Nations of the World,
    You let the Holocaust happen before your eyes. You didn’t care. You watched us be sent to the ovens. Jewish blood is cheap to you. You disown Hitler and what he stood for. The hidden meaning behind all your protests against Israel’s right to defend itself is that you too want to see the Nation of Israel obliterated. You along with every generation behind you who tried but failed. So, dear World, what you are pulling now is an old old story.

  11. this guy is just a filthy nazi who will burn forever together with hitler- only by stopping our sinas chinum and developing our ahavas yisrael will we defeat this evil

  12. #19:
    Nothing is wrong with wearing funny religous hats AS LONG AS THERE IS SOMETHING WORTHWHILE UNDERNEATH THE HAT. When the mind and soul is desolate, when one’s entire being is evil and murderous, all we see is the FUNNY HAT.

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