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Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Statement Re: Situation in Eretz Yisroel

agudah.jpg[English translation below]


לבני ישראל היקרים, הדואגים אל אחיהם בעת צרה.

לאור המצב כעת אשר אלפי יהודים יושבי ארץ הקודש נתונים בסכנה מפרעות אויב, ראינו לנכון להדגיש ביותר החובה המוטלת על כולנו להתעורר בתפלה ולבקש רחמים על אחינו היקרים ולהרבות בצדקה וזכיות על שארית ישראל שלא יאונה להם שוד ושבר, ויש לחזק הנהוג לומר פרקי תהלים פג  קל  קמב בכל יום, וגם לשפוך שיח בתחנונים של “והוא רחום” שאומרים בשני וחמישי, ובברכת “השכיבנו” בערבית שמבקשים ופרוש עלינו סכת שלומך וחותמים שומר עמו ישראל לעד.

והשי”ת ברוב רחמיו וחסדיו יגן על עמו ונחלתו ויחלצם ממיצר, ויוציאנו מאפלה לאורה ומשעבוד לגאולה אכי”ר.

ח’ טבת תשס”ט

מועצת גדולי התורה בארה”ב
*    *    *

To all dear Jews concerned about their fellow-Jews in this time of distress:

In light of the current situation, in which thousands of Jews in the Holy Land are in danger due to the attacks of the enemy, we regard it as proper to strongly emphasize the obligation on us all to awaken ourselves in prayer, to ask for Divine mercy for our dear brethren and to increase our charity and good deeds for the protection of the remnant of Yisroel from any and all harm.  We should intensify the practice of reciting chapters 83, 130 and 142 of Tehillim each day, and fervently pour out our hearts in the prayer “V’hu Rachum” said on Monday and Thursday mornings and in the blessing of “Hashkiveinu” in Ma’ariv, where we ask Hashem to “spread upon us Your tent of peace” and conclude “the Guardian of His nation Yisroel forever.”

May Hashem in His abundant mercy and kindness shield His nation and heritage, release them from all straits, and take us from darkness to light and from subjugation to redemption.  Amein, may it be His will.

8 Teves, 5769

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

21 Responses

  1. may I humbly add, we should recite the mishberach for the IDF
    never understood the logic not to say it, should we not ask for help from Hashem for our soldiers!!!

  2. Shazam, I normally do not leave a post or respond to others comments, but, I felt compelled to respond to your statement.

    With your logic we should only pray Shemoneh Esrei once a day, and leave out all the repetitive tefilos, why ask for the same thing more than once?????????
    The IDF and all the jews fighting for our bretheren need all the tefilos we can muster, of course there is a need for more Tefilah. None of these are “extra” they are all neccessary.

  3. As far as I know, noone has anythink wrong with saying a mishabeirach for soldiers in the IDF they are acheinu in danger! There is though something very wrong with all the other junk thrown in to the classic text found in some siddurim

  4. clearthinking, if by other junk you are refering to the tefilah for the medinah please keep your sinah to yourself. If some communites feel it is important to say a tefilah for the safety of the state of Israel, who are you to call a tefila junk?

  5. I clearly remember the Rosh Yeshiva R’ Shmuel Berenbaum ZT”L saying the mishebayrach for the IDF when the Israeli army went into Lebanon a few yrs ago

  6. please could we talk nicely. When we’re talking about davening for HKBH to help the soldiers and all of Klal Yisrael it would definitely help a lot to try to be patient and speak (and even type) nicely to others. please don’t scream at anyone even if it’s only caps. It has the same affect. We need the geulah. lets do the best we can to bring it.

  7. um. shoot me if I’m wrong, but the last time I checked, 90% of the Jewish people are spiritually dying. Find a single other calamity that is affecting as many jews…in such a horrible way!

    It is beyond clear to anyone that cares to think about it that this is the biggest thing on Hashem’s mind right now.

    enough with misheberachs! If we take care of Hashem’s endangered children; He will take care of ours!

  8. Davenning three times a day is at the very least a takonas Chazal and “in place of” or “to correspond to” the various avodos in the Bais HaMikdash among other reasons enumerated in Chazal.

    The Gemora in Berachos (6b) shows from pesukim that one must be very careful with each of the three tefillos as each one (Mincha, Maariv, and Shacharis) have a special ability to be answered by HaShem.

    All the tefilos we say are from Chazal, with perhaps very rare exceptions. To add a prayer of our own is not a simple thing and must only be done with the approval of the einei ha’Eidah, our leaders, the Gedolei Yisroel.

    No hatred or harm intended. Simply one more expression of following the sage advice of our learders.

  9. to Shazam,

    I agree with #1 #3 #5 #7 and happens to be im a chasid and i told just yesterday the gabbai in our shuel that you don’t need to be sphardi or edut hamizrach in order to say the special misheberach for the IDF because thay are putting there life in the front under tromendace danger to protact us and some gave there lives for it so a litetl REGESH is all what you need to understand that evry extra or special teffilah is not to much to ask for and is a nessity to do NO OFFENS i hope just bringing out some iner feelings be me moichel

  10. #9 its sheker – rav shmuel never said a mi sheberach for the IDF – its worse than junk its zionist propoganda

    Editors Note: It’s not Sheker….Maran Hagon Rav Shmuel Berenbaum ZATZAL instructed anyone who asked him (including myself) to say the Mi Shebeirach during the Lebanon war. Additionally, he instructed people to make the Mi Shebarach for the US President during that time. He also made sure the President Mi Shebeirach for the US President was said in the Mirrer Yeshiva Bais Medrash on Yom Kippur in the years following 9/11.

    And it just happens to be that #9 davens in the Mir, and was very close to Rav Shmuel.

    Nuff said!

  11. Here is a link ( Rav Yisroel Reisman’s talk on the matzav. He quotes from R’ Chaim Shmulevits, ZTZA’L, in Sichos Musar. R’ Chaim said about the IDF soldiers that are moser nafsham for Clal Yisroel “shain kol beriyiah yachol la’amod b’michitzasam”. clearly, R’ Chaim and R’ Shmuel both felt that the soldiers are doing something VERY good and important. It would be wonderful if more of them would become frum (although many are). but don’t belittle their mesiras nefesh (mamash) for the Jewish people & we should all daven for their safety!

  12. 4, there have been tefilla rallies. Meanwhile, just continue saying the recommended tehillim (83, 130, 142) as well as whatever else moves you.

    And I just read the Hamodia article from two weeks ago on Rav Chaim Shmulevitz, zt”l, and it specifically mentioned his davening for Israeli soldiers. Not sure if it was a misheberach, tehillim, etc. Not that that really matters.

  13. um. no fighting boys.
    The fanatics win because they are manaically focused on killing us and aren’t fighting each other.

  14. Regarding Editor’s Note: You don’t say, however, that Maran Rosh HaYeshiva z”l said the prayer for the IDF in the Yeshivah, only that he instructed those that asked him, to say it. Chazal NEVER limited what tefillos could/should be said privately/by an individual. Public/tzibur tefillos are traditionally from Chazal or similar “original” (authoritative/authentic) sources. The prayer for the President has its source in much earlier times. Many older siddurim have variations of this tefillah for the Czar, Arch Duke, etc.

  15. The Tefilla for the State of Israel was written (or edited) by Harav Herzog Zatzal.

    Harav Herzog was one of the gedolei hador and fellow gedolim came to learn by him including Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zatzal,Harav Eliyashiv Shlit”a and Harav Lau Shlit”a.

  16. #21 The Rosh Yeshiva ZT”L made sure that the tefilla for the IDF & for the President of the United States was said in Mir Yeshiva . I remember him standing at the side of the Bima telling the Ball Koreh R’Kops to say them


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