TODAY – Hikind to Sponser Rally in Support of Israel Outside UN

rally.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), in conjunction with the Rambam School of Long Island will sponsor a rally today in support of Israel outside the UN at 1:30PM. The rally will be held at East 47th Street and Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, and all are encouraged to attend to show solidarity.

At the rally, Hikind will renew his call for President-elect Barack Obama to break his existing silence, and issue a statement in support of Israel as the offensive in Gaza enters its 10th day. 

“The President-elect has already clearly articulated his support for Israel and his belief that Israel has a right to defend its citizens,” Hikind said. “Why is he so reluctant to speak out now? He must do what is morally right, and continue his predecessor’s policy of unwavering support for Israel.”

Yesterday, Hikind noted that despite President-elect Obama’s forthcoming and positive remarks in July 2008 regarding Israel, when pressed for a statement concerning the current Gaza crisis, the President-elect has repeatedly refused to take a concrete position, citing, “There is one president at a time” as the rationale.

Hikind added that after the recent terror attacks in Mumbai, President-elect Obama had no problem issuing a statement condemning the attacks, saying, “We stand with the people of India, whose democracy will prove far more resilient than the hateful ideology that led to these attacks.”

“Where is President-elect Obama now?” asked Hikind. “Why should the situation in Israel be different? Terror is the same everywhere. President-elect Obama’s lack of comment during this difficult hour speaks volumes about his commitment to Israel. This is no way to begin his presidency.”

(Press Release / YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Hikind is the last true Jewish politician in Boro Park/Flatbush the rest just come around by election day or for photo ops, may Hashem give him strenght

  2. Dov Hikind is a wonderful man.

    I would just like to comment about his question to Obama. In my opinion, Obama’s silence about what is going on in Gaza, speaks volumes.

    Obama said there is one president now and he will not step on his toes during the ending of his presidency. Let’s pray for the best from Obama.

  3. veryinteresting – The problem with that lie of a statement from Obama is that he had no problem speaking out regarding Global financial crisis and the Mumbai attacks.

    It puts lie to Obama’s claim he can’t support Israel until he is President. (cough)

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