Tragedy in Los Angeles: Father Niftar During Daughters Wedding

candle2.gifThe Los Angeles Jewish community was shocked upon hearing of the passing of Dr Joel Schwartz Z”L, who was suddenly Niftar at his first daughters wedding.

Dr. Schwartz was in middle of dancing the “first dance” at his daughters Chasunah (wedding) when he suddenly collapsed – suffering a full cardiac arrest R”L.

Los Angeles Hatzolah members, doctors who were at the wedding, along with paramedics attempted to save his life, but their efforts were unfortunately unsuccessful. He was transported to a local hospital where he was R”L pronounced dead.

The Levaya is scheduled for this morning (Monday) at 11:00AM at Rabbi Besse’s Shul – where he Davened – located at 7211 Beverly Blvd.

He R”L leaves behind an Almanah and 5 children [3 girls and 2 boys], and many relatives and friends.

May we never share such Tzaar again….Boruch Dayan Emmes…

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(Dov Gordon / YWN-41)

25 Responses

  1. Oy, such tzaar, what this family must be going through. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.

    Hamakom yenachem eschem besoch shaar avlei tzin veyerushalayim.

  2. Baruch Dayan Emes
    From happiness to tragedy in just a few small moments…a very sad story. I am so sorry for this families loss.

  3. In a case like this,does the shiva cancel out the sheva brochos or the other way around,or do they both occur simultaneously?

  4. R”L – so horrifc, especially for the chosson and Kallah!!
    There was a similar incident at a bar mitzva in Toronto about 10 years ago, when a great uncle of the bar mitzva bochur collapsed.

  5. #8, I am not quite sure the answer to your question. I had the same question as well. I think they might be able to push off the Sheva Brachos since it is not mandatory and sit shiva. I am not a Rav so if anyone knows the correct answer then please leave a comment. It is a sad story in itself. I heard that the Kallah was not told until after the wedding. That was a great idea.

  6. They are my friends! I’m in tears. My Yeshiva said Tehillim for him before he was niftar after his heart attack. Boruch Dayan Emes.

  7. This story is so sad and so tragic especially during the week of the outmost joy.

    A short thought taken from Rabbi B. Rudinsky on Parshes Chaya Sarah.
    One way to look at Sara’s death is that she unfortunately passed away around the same time as Yitizchak’s most elevated moment. An alternative view is that she was able to live to see that moment and her life was completed and she was worthy to life to that point. May we never hear of this type of Tzar , Rabbi Rudinsky mentioned that when hearing of a mother in child birth ( may we never know or hear of such a tzar) one can look at it as if the pinnacle, crowning and completing moment of her life was the birth of a child.
    At first I was brought to tears upon hearing this story, and then I recalled a thought that made the picture a little brighter. A man whose final and completing moment was to dance at his daughter’s wedding.

    May G-D comfort the family and Chason and Kalah among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem

  8. Baruch Dayen Emes!!
    Hamokem Yenachem Eschem Besoch Sheor Avayla Tzion V’Yerushlayim!!
    To much tzoros in klal yisroel this week, may we only hear of simchas!!

  9. Baruch Dayen Emes!!
    Its a very sad story and heart braking we cant even imagen what the newly wed cuple is going thrue as well as the intire family what such pain is and evry one is MECHUYAV to to be KOLLEL his self and try to join there TZHAR as a part of AREVIM KOL ISRAEL- EIMO ANUCHI B’TZHARA and do tshuva because KLAL ISRAEL is one and ECHOD MIBNEI HACHABURAH SHMES YIDAGU KOL HACHABURAH and in addition to #13 yes the final and highest of all moments to this NIFTAR Z”L is that probebly he reached the highest level of SIMCHA during danceing at his dughetrs SIMCHAS CHUSEN V’KALAH that he purified his NESHAMA with SIMCHA even thoue it brings now TZHAR to the family but thay shuld know that he is by them more then ever and thay shuld try to be MISNACHEM (not that its easy) and know that he reached the highest lavel by there SIMCHA so its as a ZECHUS for them.
    Hamokem Yenachem Eschem Besoch Sheor Avayla Tzion V’Yerushlayim!! and KLAL ISRAEL togethr with the family should not know of such or any kind of TZHAR and we should be ZOICHE to the PASUK “UVA LETZION GOEL BIMHERA BEYAMEINU OMAIN!!!
    some one how feels your pain.

  10. The oldest son was my chavrusa you have no idea what he’s going through right now. I knew his father too I spent shabbos by his two weeks before the wedding The chason I knew as well he’s such a nice guy it’s really unfortunate that something like this happened to him.
    Baruch Dayen Emes!!

  11. The oldest son is my chavrusa and he came in to yeshiva the day of the wedding all happy and only a few hours later everything fell apart. I knew the father and who was an amazing man and it’s so sad that on the happiest day of his life he had to go. Baruch Dayen Emes.

  12. This is a tragic and horrible story, and the pain of the family will always be with them. However, I have no idea why this is important to put on a news site. This is an example of how some of your
    “news” items are pure gossip. People who know the Schwartz family will sadly find out the news, and for those who don’t, why must this be something we know about?
    You are contributing to “yentish” chatter and idle talk by printing this as news.

  13. Baruch dayan haemes It’s really really sad. We need mashiach now #11 I was once at a simcha and the kallah’s Grandfather was niftar during Sheva Brachos and they went on to have Sheva Brachos and I guess they sat Shiva after so I think you are supposed to have sheva Brachos first.

  14. Dear #20, please be dan lechaf zechus. Sometimes close friends do not get the news until after the shiv’ah and then wished they could have made a nichum aveilim call.
    Dr. Schwartz Z”L was always looking to be dan lechaf zechus.
    Hamakom yenachem es’chem besoch she’or aveyley ziyon viyerusholoyim.

  15. As a patient of Dr. Schwartz’ for over 20 years, I am deeply saddened by these events. I’m grateful to have known him and to have had the privilege of seeing him on 12/16, at which time he shared with me the news of the pending wedding of his oldest daughter.
    One of the most admirable traits I found in Joel was his devotion to his faith – something for which I believe he deserved great respect.
    Respectfully, in my goyem fashion, I extend to the family my greatest sympathy and sorrow at their loss.

  16. #19, thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I was stuck in yeshiva until after the levaya, and wanted tremendously to hear the recording. even though I’m not sure which one you are, I’m sure you know who I am. Send my regards to the family

  17. I disagree with #20 about the fact that this is yentish. Knowing the kallah and not being able to be there for them was quite upsetting. Sometimes the way people find out the news is through YWN. What would happen if I called to wish mazel tov during shiva? I am glad I found out the next day so I didnt antagonize their sorrow.

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