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Monticello, NY: Seneca Indians Say Agreement in Place to Build Casino

poker.jpgThe Seneca Nation of Indians and a Michigan based company have an agreement to develop a casino in the Catskill Mountains region of New York, WGRZ reports.

Nation President Barry E. Snyder said that the Seneca Nation has had the agreement with Rotate Black Gaming Inc. to build the region’s first major casino, 80 miles north of New York City in Monticello.

“The Nation views development of a Catskills casino with the state as yet another example of a ‘win-win’ economic development, which have generated more than 4,000 jobs and $300 million in payments to the state,” Snyder said.

The Nation has not yet approached Gov. David Paterson regarding this proposal, but plans to do so.  They say they are acquiring the land in anticipation of a change in national policy by the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama.

Rotate Black projects that a fully developed Catskills casino will generate approximently $160 million in exclusivity fees to state and local governments.

6 Responses

  1. Just what the next generation of yiden need to grow up with. If you thought the bowling lane, or woodbourne hangouts were bad, you’ll love the fake Id’s our kids will have. Watch them open a kosher pizza shop inside and have an ‘all star’ performance on shabbos nachamu. Why not just certify the whole casino as ‘Kosher for Pesach and year round’ and establish minyanim daily.

  2. So over 200 years after the New York State Militia engaged in “ethnic cleansing” against the Iroquois, New York offers to “rent” them a reservation in an area which wasn’t even part of their original territory (it was more of a satellite region of non-Iroquois who paid tribute as a condition of the Iroquois not “cleansing” them).

    If they wanted to maximize revenue, they should probably put the casino in lower Manhattan. It isn’t all that different from the usual business, and with the financial meltdown office rentals are down.

    Then the question comes whatever revenue source the state will seek next. Obviously selling “recreational drugs” comes to mind (note: some states run liquor stores, so why not have the legislature start pushing crack and heroin, with a cut for education). Of course, many places (including Nevada, but only in counties without gambling) derive revenue from brothels (why just have the government run banks and car companies?).

    After all anything is better than cutting back on waste in government (oops, I mean services to people other than ourselves?). 🙂

  3. Continuing with what Floyd was saying, any Rabbonim who will speak out harshly against entering such a Mokom Tuma will be blasted by the Hamoin Am as radicals, taliban, control freaks etc. etc. I cannot help thinking of the Seudas Achashveirosh, Mordechai’s opinion, & K’lal Yiroel’s actions. These days if the food is kosher & the music is “jewish” nothing else matters. Gedolim can Shraay & nobody listens. H-shem Yerachem!!

  4. #6 (“If you don’t like it avoid it.”)

    Because in a democracy, you are the בעל הבית. It is “them” who are setting up the casino, it is “we” who are setting it up. So if YOU don’t like the idea of gambling (or legalized brothels, or legalized drugs, or whatever stunt the government turns to istead of responsible public finance), then YOU shouldn’t set it up.

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