Yungerman Assaulted in Lakewood

lpd.jpgA Yungerman walking to a Shalom Zachor on Friday night, was attacked and assaulted by three thugs who asked him for his money. After telling them he had none, they continued beating him.

The assault took place on Lanes Mill Road in the “Raintree” area of Lakewood.

Sources tell YWN that the Yungerman was Boruch Hashem not seriously hurt, and the Lakewood Police Department are investigating the incident, and searching for the attackers – reported to be three black males.

No further information is available.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

12 Responses

  1. At least three cars were vandalized as well in a row on the same block right outside a shul. We must protest this in the strongest terms so that the thugs involved will not be emboldened to committ these crimes again. They must be found and locked up.

  2. Goyim generally know that a frum Jew has no money on him on Shabbos. They were not after money. They merely attacked him because they wanted to hurt and harrass a Jew. This is a classic hate crime.

  3. To all readers who might own houses in Lakewood and rent it to “trash”:
    BH this guy was only slightly injured (emt’s at the Shalom Z deemed it uneccessary to call Hatzalah)but if you continue to rent to them we are further putting ourselves, our familes, and friends in danger-
    We all know its a tough economy and you are losing money but this is our safety we are talking about

  4. To #5
    I do not know if you live in Raintree, but Most guys would rather feel sorry, say how terrible it is, than do something-
    only six guys jumped out to canvas the neighborhood when this “yungerman” walked in bloodied.
    A neighbor called the cops right away, however it took way too long for them to respond.

  5. While it was wrong what these thugs did we need to remember that we live in halus. No matter where on the globe. We can never get to comfortable (which seems to be the case in many communities).

  6. After taking a basic census of raintree, it is quite apparent that the perpetrators of these crimes (blacks) all live in rentals with frum owners. If these people would only know the “k’peida” raintree residents have on those who support themselves by putting these destructive animals in our midst, they wouldn’t think twice about rectifying the matter. Obviously, they have no idea how residents feel.
    In that case I would like to tell them. I believe that I speak for most frum inhabitants of raintree. If it is an investment that you bought, I hope it goes sour and never sees any profit. To quote a Lakewood poisek “you have simply made a bad investment”. This is a classic case of “Lo sa’amod al dam roechah”. If you plan on moving in at later date or planned on moving but changed your mind, stop being a selfish and inconsiderate person. You basically want the advantage of frum neighbors but won’t sacrifice. What a coward you are. I hope there won’t be any dinim min hashomayim against you for doing this.
    To those who are considerate (not what you think but what the people of raintree think is considerate) you should be gebenched.

  7. No doubt if the owners of these homes would be contacted the response would be “speak to my manager”. Sorry buddy its you who has a problem not your manager.

  8. To those considering moving to raintree it is overall a safe place. I believe a large part of the problem are thugs from nearby areas that may float through sometimes on their way to their places also owned by frum people. These cases are few and far beetween but it is always a good idea to use caution and it would be nice if the town would install some lights and keep officers nearby. Of course more people moving in would eliminate any of the current criminals renting.

  9. i say to put up street signs saying “Jews Dont Carry money On Shabbos” and then we”ll all be safe cause generally ppl only walk on Shabbos, but wait could they read…

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