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Paterson: Senate Choice Will Have To Earn Re-Election

paterson4.jpgFollowing continuing criticism of Caroline Kennedy, Gov. David Paterson on Thursday threw down the gauntlet.

Kennedy appears to be the front-runner to replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate. The governor said Clinton’s successor will have to win re-election on their own.

It was the annual New Year’s open house in Albany. Paterson and his wife, Michelle, greeted constituents. The governor was asked about his New Year’s resolution.

“To try not to talk about the Senate until I make the appointment,” Paterson said.

Unfortunately, just about all the questions Gov. Paterson was asked Thursday had to do with Kennedy and her desire to replace Clinton.

Kennedy’s less than stellar public performance appeared to be on his mind because he cautioned that just because he selects someone it doesn’t mean they will win the election outright.

“The public does not regard my selection as an incumbent. The public regards this as a place holder for two years and then will make their own choice,” Paterson said. “And that takes the pressure off me.”

The good news for Kennedy is that, as Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver told WCBSTV exclusively on Wednesday, he’s changed his mind and is now willing to support her.

“She’s obviously very bright and has been around politics her whole life,” Silver said.

Sources told WCBSTV that Silver’s support came after arm twisting by Paterson’s staff.

Meanwhile, Kennedy seems to be taking the governor’s remarks to heart.

“Caroline knows that whoever Gov. Paterson selects will have to prove himself or herself to voters all across the state. If Caroline is chosen she is committed to working tirelessly to deliver for all New Yorkers,” the Kennedy camp said in a statement.

Whoever is chosen will be 99th out of 100 in seniority.

Paterson insisted again Thursday he will not name a successor to Clinton until she is confirmed as Secretary of State.

(Source: WCBSTV)

One Response

  1. The “behind the scenes bosses” are making the appointment. Thus qualifications or electibility are of no consequence. Shelly Silver usually is in the driver’s seat. Not this time – here is is a pawn. Just one postscript…If Gov. Paterson appoints Caroline Kennedy…who can’t even handle a proper interview (um…you know…um…you know)…he will guarantee his own unelectibility.

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