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Brother Of Murdered Yemeni Jew Receives Threatening Text Messages

yemen1.jpgThe Chief Rabbi of Amran, R’ Yousuf Bin Yaish, says he has received threatening text messages similar to the warnings received by his murdered brother before he was killed.

R’ Yaish’s brother, R’ Moshe Yaish al-Nahari HY”D, was killed on Dec. 11 by a local former air force pilot. His murderer, Abdul Aziz Yahya al-Abdi, confessed to the crime in court and also admitted to threating his victim prior to the murder. “I have told them [Jews] in a letter that they should either convert to Islam or leave Yemen, or I would kill them,” he screamed at the opening session of the trial.

Since the murder, the Jewish population of Amran has reported a worrisome trend of threats, intimidation, and violence from the local population.

In response, R’ Yaish called on the government to provide protection for the Jewish communities in the area.

Now, R’ Yaish said he has received a text message on his cell phone threatening to “cleanse” the area of Jews and another demanding that he convert to Islam.

He said the recent messages were like those his murdered brother received before he was killed.

The trial for R’ Nahari’s murderer is on hold until January 12, 2009 while the defendant undergoes a psychiatric evaluation.

2 Responses

  1. this story is not true. the rav has a badatz approved cell phone, which does not get text messages!

    we only wish! (above was sarcasm)

    in truth, though i apreciate satmar in many ways, they must get with the program. no yidden, under any circumstances, should be in tayman (with the exception of the group called “adenese jews” who are a completely different story (and who are “subjects of the queen”, thus have british passports, ever since the brits arrested them and kicked them out of yemen 31 years ago, as well as their regular passports of country of domicile.)

  2. The Satmar Kehila has, and is, providing immeasurable help the Teimani Kehila both in Teiman and those that moved to the US and Israel.

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