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NYS Governor Paterson Defends IDF Gaza Operation

paterson41.jpg“As Americans, we are blessed to live in a democracy which embraces different religions, cultures and ethnicities. More than seven years ago, New Yorkers’ faith in that democracy was tested when we suffered our own tragedy at the hands of terrorists. But we did not let that dark day in our history diminish our resolve to fight for our freedom. We continue to stand in solidarity with those who defend themselves in the pursuit of peace.

“Over the past few days, I have closely monitored the current escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza. I hope and pray for a peaceful solution for both sides and I strongly condemn Hamas for breaking the current ceasefire. I believe the Israeli people, under constant attack from the Palestinian territories, have a right to protect themselves and I stand with them as they fight to defend the basic rights of humanity.

“I traveled to Israel in 2007 and I discovered firsthand what I had always known to be true – Israel is an extraordinary democracy blessed with very courageous citizens who refuse to live their lives in fear. New Yorkers have experienced the horror of terrorism; we must not and will not let senseless acts of terror undermine our commitment and resolve to fight for democratic principles both at home and around the world.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. What would be an even more of a bigger help Mr. Governor would be to restore all of the CAP funding that will be cut from this budget that would affect yeshivos. That would believe or not help our troops. Go try to explain that to a goy…….

  2. Mr Governor,
    You have once again shown your support for Israel and have spoken beautifully. You are a true Mentsh and I hope that you continue being the great Governor that you are and continue to speak out against Hamas and any other evil doer that there may be so that this world we live in can come to its senses and we defeat all hatred and menaces of the world.

  3. Kudos Mr. Governor,

    What a sane and fearless response regarding Israel’s defense of its innocent citizens against cruel, remorseless terror.

    You are a man of courage and I, for one, am proud you are our governor.

  4. Yasher koach, Mr. Governor; I didn’t know you had it in you. Very well said.

    I didn’t see the statement from Nancy Pelosi, and must admit to being even more shocked in her case.

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