PHOTOS: Chabad Joins Soldiers on The Front Lines

ct.jpg(PHOTO LINK BELOW) As close to 10,000 IDF soldiers sit on the Gaza border awaiting orders on a possible ground operation, Chabad Shluchim are joining them. The Shluhim are giving the soldiers, many whom are not Frum, the opportunity to put on Tefillin, and say Shema and other Tefillos. A mini Tehillim was given to each of the soldiers to take along in their tanks, and keep in their pockets.

Additionally, danishes and other sweets were distributed en-mass to the soldiers whose lives are on the line – literally.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to see the photos.

20 Responses

  1. this brings tears to my eyes, the more i read about chabad and what they do,the more I admire all that they do.

    the days that some of us used to make fun of some lubavitch should be behind us

    i publicly want to ask michila if i ever laughed at a lubavitch joke

    i will always look up to chabad and i wish we all can learn from them!

  2. KOl hakavod to Chabad!!

    but why only chabad? in a step further from lessons of the achdus gathering.
    all others should join them spreading yidishkeit with ahavas yisroel, not with throwing stones

  3. The Chabadnikim and the Israeli soldiers should go from strength to strength.

    Kol hakavod to YWN for posting these amazing pixs of the great things that Chabad is doing for the soldiers.

  4. That is a beautiful prayer that is read by the Torah every Shabbat at the Chabad house that i pray at and i believe in chabad houses around the world.

  5. There is only one or two Shuls in Boro Park who make a Misheberach for the troops, who protect thousands of frum Jewish Torah families. There are 200 that don’t. Flatbush doesnt score much better.

  6. This is a battle against the yetzer hara just as much as it is against those chayos in gaza. There is only one world and the Aibishter runs it!

  7. #12 says -How about some yungerleit from other yeshivos joining them? Even the frum soldiers could use some support and food.

    This is really stupid!! The gedolim have decided we should be learning! We have a deferral from the govornment. If we would come to the front, then they would have a legitimate complaint as to why we arn’t serving. of course all yeshivos in EY say tehillim!!

  8. 15:
    I do not think that # 12 was talking about INSTEAD of learning. If you at the pictures that are posted, you will notice that its not chabad yeshiva bochurim there, its chabad yungerlayt.

    Well, we have plenty of yungerlayt in yerushalayim and bney brak who are NOT learning and do NOT have regular day jobs. I think that its about those types that # 12 was referring to.

  9. #13 – you hit the nail on the head – troops who protect thousands of bnei torah????!!
    I feel for the soldiers, their parents, family. i wake up in the morning and daven for them, in the afternoon, and at night but lets not forget. . .
    this is the exact nature of the issue.
    and if anyTHING is to protect us, that is our tefilos, mitzvos and TORAH.
    Lo Yonim viLo Yishan Shomer Yisroel

  10. #17
    What foolishness.
    If somebody is protecting you, HE is putting his life on the line for you. He is walking into a war zone, with tehillim on his lips. He is walking with Hashem.

    He is taking a risk that he will never come back CHAS V’Sholom. And you can’t give him credit for protecting you? His family can’t sleep at night, because they can’t see him sitting at his gemorrah, at his own table. They are daavening tefilos that would put most of us to shame.

    YOU need to re-focus your yiras shamayim, and your understanding. Would you have been potur from going to war during the time of Tanach?

    Lakol Zeman Va’es.

    Thank you to all the families that have bravely lent their sons to protect us. May HKB”H repay you all with all that you deserve and more. Please forgive those of us who do not show enough respect. We didn’t get enough sleep, apparently.

  11. # 18
    I’m really praying for the people going out in war, that all of them should come back alive.

    But not the soldiers are protecting us, HKB”H is protecting us, and not people how are going agents the Torah.

  12. 1) Without taking a stand on some of the points of discussion until now, we can help also by resolving to express our disagreements with each other respectfully and with love.

    2) Anyone who goes out to connect with the soldiers and be mechazek them can help by getting lists of soldiers’ names to daven for and spreading them around so that each soldier has at least one and preferably a number of bnei Torah who are davening specifically for him. It’s told that the Imrei Yosef of Pittsburgh had a list of about 240 Jewish soldiers for whom he davened throughout World War Two, and ALL OF THEM came back. There should be a web site to organize this and also Tehillim mechulak. It’s brought down that if thirty people each say a thirtieth of Tehillim it’s as if each one said the whole sefer.

  13. This is a very serious time for all Yidden like WE who are not on the physical front lines of the war should be doing everything we can to win the spiritual ongoing battle.Achdus form all Yidden is imperative Chabadnik’s are doing there part we go wherever necessary to defeat the enemy Lo Saamod al dam Rayacha!!! evry person is a shliach encourage another jew to do another Mitzvahy Talk to the Goyim about observing Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach. Say tehillim Give Tzedakah All for the Zchus Of AM Yisroel Demand from the Aibishter that he send Moshiach NOW!!!!

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