Terrorist Opens Fire on Israelis in Denmark

hg.jpgAccording to preliminary reports, an Arab terrorist has reportedly opened fire on Israelis in a Denmark supermarket (or according to some reports – a restaurant) in the city of Odese. Eyewitnesses report that an Arab male entered the store, shot at two people and fled.

Initial reports state that the two Israelis who were hit by gunfire are Boruch Hashem not seriously injured.

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(Yehuda Drudgestein / Yechiel Spira)

7 Responses

  1. This can and could happen ANYWHERE in ANY Jewish neighborhood by any criminal.Evil people are lurking everywhere .The difference is that most of them are individuals doing crimes on their own,not part of a well-organized terrorist group. You always have to trust in Hashem and look over your shoulder.

  2. Denmark is one of the most Jewish/Israeli-hostile countries in Europe these days. And that’s saying something. Pretty sad, considering the unbelievable position that they took during WWII.

  3. Yidden, please consider looking in your siddur as well as over your shoulder. Say your brachos with kavana. don’t forget to say amen.

    Have a great day, and may we hear only besuros tovos.

    tehillim 70-83

    shfoch chamascha al hagoyim asher lo yeda-ucha.

  4. #3 – scream this loud and clear – Yidden: It’s not the Arabs, it’s Hashem!! He wants us to turn to Him. Take out the Torah – learn, learn, learn. Take out the Tehillims – daven, daven, daven. (in between dont forget about your responsibilities)

  5. Reuters spells the place name as Odense.
    Additionally, the Reuters headline is remarkably similar to the YW headline — except that where YW has terrorist, Reuters calls him a gunman.

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