
Due to the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, and the fact that there are many news stories coming out of the YWN Israel News Bureau, many of these updates will not appear on the YWN Homepage – but rather in the **BREAKING WAR COVERAGE** news ticker. This can be found on the top right corner of the homepage. It will be constantly updated as YWN continues to bring our valued readership breaking news in real-time, 24hrs a day.

Any important & major items will continue to be posted on the homepage.

The lower news ticker will continue to serve as an all news ticker.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Should you wish to receive breaking updates via SMS text message (in the USA), or email alerts, please click HERE to sign up – and join the tens of thousands of subscribers. 

Thanks for your understanding, and may we only hear Besuros Tovos in the near future.

–YWN Staff.

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