Today: Live Webcast of Massive Shloshim For Mumbai Kedoshim

SKI1.jpgLast minute preparations are underway for the massive event ‘Shloshim LaKedoshim’ that will take place today at 10:00AM EST (5:00 pm Israel time).

Over 100 Gedolim and Rabbonim are expected to participate, including the Gerrer Rebbe, Hagon Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner of B’nei Brak, and the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchak Rebbe. Jewish leaders from all affiliations and walks of life are expected to join together at this event. Tens of thousands are expected to attend.

The event was organized by a committee established by Agudas Chassidei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel, headed by Rabbi Yosef Y. Aronov – and assisted by businessman R’ Chaim Yaakov Leibowitz.

Called “shloshim Lakedoshim,” it will take place on the eve of the day we mark the shloshim for the victims of the terror attack in Mumbai – The Shluchim Rabbi Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg, HY”D, Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum, HY”D, Rabbi Benzion Kroman, HY”D, Yocheved Orpaz HY”D and Norma Swartzblat Rabinowitz HY”D.

The event will begin at 10:00 am EST (5:00 pm in Israel), will take place in Kikar Shabbos’ in Yerushalayim, and will be broadcast live on

(This webcast is being offered graciously to YWN readers by COL Live)

11 Responses

  1. i am hoping just like u did by the mumbai saga u had indian news video on your homepage and on mute playing u should do the same thing for the shloshim video of kol katzvei yisroel

  2. Mumbai is the name of a Hindu Avoda Zara.
    The term “Kedoshei Mumbai” is like saying “Kedoshei HaBaal” R”L or “Kedoshei Ashtoress” R”L.
    Call them “Kedoshei India” or something like that.

  3. We are in contact with the people running the webcast, and there is obviously a technical issue – possibly due to tremendously high traffic.

    We will post an update as soon as we have one from the Tech Staff.

    Stay put!

    YWN Editor.

  4. every time they mention the internet… it freezes!

    They are not referring to the amazing tefilos, daavening, kiruv and CHESED that goes on online…

    they are referring to the other stuff.
    thank you yeshiva world for bringing this to all of us.

  5. the real name is Bombay.
    it’s actually kedoshai yisroel, though.

    Chasof zeroa kodshecha v’korev ketz hayeshua, nekom nikmas dam avadecha may-uma harisha-a…
    key orcha lanu hasha’ah…

    dichey admon b’tzel tzalmon… Hakaym Lanu ro-eh shiva!!

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