Belz & Gur Yeshivas in Ashdod Close Due to Attacks

ger3.jpgDue to the increasing attacks in southern Israel and the fatal attack on Monday night in Ashdod, the Belzer and Gerrer yeshivas in Ashdod have closed temporarily, instructing talmidim to learn in mosdos in other cities.

Belzer talmidim are instructed to remain in Yerushalayim, and they will learn in the main Belz beis medresh. The talmidim of Gur will divide themselves in the mosdos in Bet Shemesh and Arad.

Regarding the students in the yeshiva ketana of the two chassidus, they are instructed to remain at home until further notice.

The Katyusha rocket that landed in Ashdod on Monday night was relatively close to Gradna Yeshiva, as well as in the general area of Kiryat Ponovitz and Pittsburg.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Hedyot ani, but I respectfully disagree with the rebbeim for two reasons.

    1- It is a well known concept in the frum world that no harm can happen while one is studying torah. I hope i dont have to prove this point on this website…

    2- It sends a terrible message to the hiloni world. The whole rationale about not serving in the army is to study torah. There are two types of soldiers in israel, the avreich in the kollel and the foot soldier serving in tsahal. One cannot function or exist without the other IN ISRAEL. It seems wrong to flee the danger zones while the foot soliders are entering gaza – the real war zone… I dont get it.

  2. You are right. But you have to realize that you are dealing with a parent body of over a thousand mothers which are hysterical and want their kids out of the area. (majority of the talmidim are not from Ashdod.) The local cheder was open as well as the local Kollelim..

  3. Hedyot ani……….. rashi last weeks says it all!! Hasoton mekatreig b’shaas hasakono. What a meshugene velt we live in!!!!!

  4. If the talmidim are trained and ready to turn on a dime and fight off the reshaim… that is one thing. These talmidim are trained in Gemara, not in warfare. They do not belong on the battlefield at this time. They belong where they are trained: in the “control rooms” of the Batei Medrash.

    Ain Somchin al HaNes!
    Utzo Etza Vesufar, Dabru Davar V’lo Yokum, Kim Imanu Kayl

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