Op-Ed: Ais Milchomah / A Time for War

cbe.jpg(By Chaskel Bennett for YWN) As the situation in Gaza continued to spiral out of control and rockets fell unchallenged on Israeli towns and cities, the only option left, was for Israel to finally hit back. It seems we have been here many times before.

Arabs attack- Israel reacts, the tragic cycle continues. If you listen carefully you can hear the fury of the Arab street gathering steam. First the Arab League, then in perfect harmony, the Europeans apologists and to finish the rhapsody, the UN Security council- ah, so predictable. We have heard this awful medley before. Like a tone deaf orchestra, the feigned outrage is of course aimed at the Jewish State.

Their skewed resolutions will as always focus its ire against Israel for its aggression. Shocking.
Let’s skip this exercise in futility and cut to the chase. Allow me to preempt their dismay and outrage with a well needed reality check.

Unilateral disengagement from Gaza was designed to create joy and harmony between Jews and peace loving Arabs. By now we all know how the sad story goes but it is worth repeating if only to guide us as a new round of violence engulfs the area-again.

No sooner had Israel exited the Gaza strip, did rockets, mortars and missiles began raining down on Sederot and other border towns from the peace partners whose eyes widened in giddy disbelief -as Israel actually left. Israeli “aggression” in this case was only against her own, as heroic pioneers were forcibly extracted from their homes. Shuls and schools were abandoned and Israelis literally became homeless overnight. The Arabs were free to burn and mutilate world renowned Israeli achievements in farming, irrigation and housing-all in a desert setting that no matter how many times the Arabs tried the only thing they could grow, was sand and cemeteries. And burn they did. Israel’s inability to protect her citizens, bordered on criminal, as the world continued its tunnel vision blindness on behalf of the poor Palestinians.

In the UN Security Council, the well known bastions of democracies, Libya backed by Syria, had the unmitigated effrontery to call Israel blockade of Gaza, a Holocaust.

Libya’s deputy permanent UN representative, Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi, “compared the situation in Gaza to the Nazi Holocaust

Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari telling reporters, “Unfortunately, those who complain of being victims of genocide are repeating the same kind of genocide against the Palestinians.

As widely predicted prior to withdrawal, Israel had been forced into a defensive posture while militants fired away with impunity. Sederot had become ground zero for Arab attacks and the silence of the Security Council was deafening. Israeli aggression? Hardly.

And so while Israel celebrated the “bitter success” of the Gaza disengagement, unabated rocket attacks from Gaza became a constant. Arms smuggling thru hundreds of underground tunnels became the norm. In front of the eyes of the world, the cease fire was being used by Hamas to gather munitions, missiles and supplies in anticipation of the inevitable.  Still the Israelis waited to see how the Hamas hierarchy would greet the end of the cease fire. With hours to spare before the deadline expired, their answer was delivered by grad rockets. The Sederot air raid siren operator has not slept since. Aggression? You know the answer.

The Israeli threat of severe retaliation was met with more Hamas rockets and missiles hitting targets as far away as Ashkelon. By now you know that Israel has finally- FINALLY reacted. Can you hear the drum beat of the  world? The chorus begins yet again. So I feel compelled to deliver a message to my cousins in the Arab league, elitist Europeans, xenophobic Security Council members and their enablers at CNN:

We are a nation whose destiny is tied to the blood soaked soil of Eretz Yisroel. Despite your long history of cruel and vicious persecution of the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, our people take great comfort in todays timely prayer of Chanukah:(Al Hanisim)

“And for the miracles, and for the salvation, and for the mighty deeds, and for the victories, and for the wonders, and for the consolations and for the battles which you (G-d) performed for our forefathers in those days, at this time”

Our message to you is- Make your resolutions. Do your paperwork. Have your one sided debate.
Then, get out of the way. We’ve done it your way.
Peace with stateless entities sworn to Israel’s destruction is unattainable.
There is no peace. Peace is an illusion created by fiction writers who seemed to have slept thru bible class in search of a Norwegian  medal.

Remember Chevron 1929? Sabarro?
Bus #2 ?
Dr. David Applebaum and his daughter Naava ?
Merkaz Horav ?

We do!

So on this eighth day of Chanukah, as our soldiers stand at the battles door, we invoke the courage of Matisyohu ben Yochonon Kohen Gadol and the legendary Chashmonayim and urge our young warriors and collective nation to carry that indomitable spirit  into battle.

As our predecessors have done before us, we must man our battle stations by increasing and enhancing our Teshuva, Tefillah and our Tzedokah during these challenging economic times. Feel the pain of another Yid and do something to ease their burden.

Dearest soldiers, Klal Yisroel stands with you. Hashem Yaazor. Finish the fight and come home in peace.

14 Responses

  1. our only option is to realize that “ain od milvado”
    only hashem can help us!not the idf & not any president ! only hakadosh baruch hu!!!

    the sooner WE ALL get this into our heads, the sooner it will end with the blowing of the shofar!

    ( of course we should pray for the soldiers & our brethren living in the holy land & abroad)

  2. If it was an ” Ais Milchomah ” why haven’t the gedolim demanded that their best talmidim put down their gemaras and take the leadership of the army. We should learn from the actions of the gedolim.

    If the Jews in Eretz Yisrael want peace, they need to do tsuvah.

  3. Well said. Too bad these beasts don’t read YWN. They anyways only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear, as Chaskel articulated so beautifully. May we see Yeshuos and Nechamos in our day, soon.

  4. I would like to thank you for an article that is very well written and tells the truth about what Israel has lived with and died with since before 1948. I would only like to ad a few things: 1)There has NEVER been a cease fire honored by Hizbullah, Hamas, or Arabs from any country, territory or region. Rockets have rained down on Israel throughout the so called, cease fire, on a daily basis. Soldiers have been kidnapped and killed. Buses have been bombed. Innocent men, women and children have been killed. The list in the article above is very abridged. 2)There is no city, state or country in the whole world that would tolerate the killing of its citizens and exercise restraint. 3)Gush Katif was a barren desert before the Israeli settlers moved in. They built homes, shuls, schools,greenhouses, etc. They turned the area into a lush, green, lovely, vibrant and productive, thriving community. The Arabs moved in;they had the perfect opportunity to live in the lap of luxury. Instead they pummeled, bulldozed, burned, destroyed and decimated all that was there. They made their bed; now, they can sleep in it. 4)Hamas and Hizbulah teach their children hatred from day 1. All of the people in Gaza are terrorists-some active, some inactive, some in training and some are the cheerleaders. 5)Wipe out Hamas! That is the only way there is a possibility of peace.6)If you do not live in Israel,do not delude yourself that you are safe. The goal of the radical Muslims is to kill all who are not them, Jews and Non Jews alike. Please Daven for the Chayalim and the Citizens of Israel. Hopefully, the Government of Israel has learned from history how to see this through to a successful end very soon with all the Jews in Eretz Yisroel with Moschiach.

  5. #1 and #3 – i agree with you totally – this is not our war – while of course our tefilos are that everyone should be safe its not the role of yidden in galus to be making wars hopefully we should already see the day when “hashem yilachem lachem” – i cant understand how anyone would compare this to the chashmonaim – dont you realize that these zionists were the ones who stood against klal yisroel in the time of the chashmonaim and have been fighting us ever since, sure they may have different uniforms, then they called themselves misyavnim and today tziyonim but they are one and the same – may we be redeemed from the bitter golus under them

  6. To whom it may concern:

    I love my children.
    All my children.
    And if you think that THEY need to do teshuva…
    Maybe you should check out MY BIG BOOK.

    Here’s some quotes:
    .Col Haposel B’mumo Posel
    .V’Ya’asu Kulam Agudah Echas La’asos retzonecha B’layvav Shalem
    .Ma Tovu Oholecha Yaakov Mishkenosecha Yisroel
    .Hinei Ma Tov u’mah na-im sheves achim gam YACHAD

    Peace out my children.
    I’m proud of you.

    …. Avicha, Malkecha (THE AUTHOR of the big BOOK)

  7. 3, 6, the soldiers are there and when we have to daven for them and their success. As I just commented elsewhere, the face of the Israeli soldier is the face of any of our beautiful children. Maybe it’s because I’m a mother so I will gladly daven for another mother’s children.

    And true, the gedolim aren’t telling yeshivaleit to close their sefarim. Of course their’s is the avoda that truly counts. But the army isn’t telling the soldiers to put down their arms and open a sefer, so let’s support them in the meanwhile, and let’s welcome the soldiers who do spend time in our batei medrashim with open arms.

  8. To commenter #6-

    First of all the writer of the article accused the israelis of aggression against their own and called their behavior criminal
    Hardly zionist.
    There was no comparison to the army of today to the chashmonoyim. We are invoking their siyata dshmays for help in todays battle.

    The bottom line is now is a time to stay together to fight the rashaim hamas. Doesn’t make the israelis tzadikim.

  9. And of course our closet Neturi Karta member Akuperma has come out and told us exactly what the Gedolim are thinking.

    How lucky are the members of this site to have such an insight.

    How dare you, while you sit from behind your computer monitor there are children in Gaza being Moser Nefesh so that people can live in saftey.

    How dare you say that the only way their mission has meaning is if Gedoli Yisrael lead them into battle.

  10. It is inexplicable that in the midst of what most call a WAR, we are forced to read this pathetic debate by our own Yidin,on whether or not to support the heroic soldiers who clearly defend Artzainu Hakdoshah and Am Yisoel.
    Are you guys serious???
    The Arab world and the UN, as the writer correctly points out, has no problem with our immediate demise.
    So whats our problem?
    It seems that the same usual self- righteous
    “know it all” posters
    (you know who you are) contribute very little else besides criticism. We need Z’chusim now.
    Rockets falling on our towns, injure and kill OUR people. Even the most ardent anti-Zionist realizes this truth. Hamas wont rest until we are all dead. The Israeli Government are far from Tzadikim but right now the situation requires unity.Even the opportunistic opposition parties (Bibi)understand this.
    Must we wait until all of Eretz Yisroel is R’l burning before we figure out thats its us against them?
    In a war-
    Those who can fight with weapons should do so.
    Those who can contribute to the spiritual cause must do so. Ish k’matnas Yodoi.Each person according to his hand. We are KLAL yisroel!!!

    We have a centuries long history of War.
    There were always warriors supported by the Bnai Hayeshiva.Read your Tanach.
    What we must not tolerate is anything less than total Achdus-today and every day.
    What you must not do especially now- is speak ill of Yidin.

  11. If it was an ” Ais Milchomah ” why haven’t the gedolim demanded that their best talmidim put down their gemaras and take the leadership of the army. We should learn from the actions of the gedolim.

    WE HAVE LEARNED FROM THE GER REBBE who called his bochurim back from Chanukah vacation and to the beis medresh. If the chayalim are on the front, we the spiritual soldiers must be at our shtenders.
    BTW if u are a follower of the hashkafa of Rav Yakov Kaminetsky z”tl, he said that the milchamos mitzvah began in 1948 and will continue till the footsteps of Moshiach are heard in Yerushayalim..

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