Good News: All Five Towns Children Released!


Rabbi Zalman Wolowik of Chabad of the Five Towns delivers a bit of good news to the concerned public: “I know you’re all waiting to hear good news and I am happy to finally be able to share – Baruch Hashem! At this time, all of the children have been released from local area hospitals. Of course we continue to pray for the complete recovery of those injured, the parents who are hospitalized and the children who are still on the road to full recovery.”

The Chabad Center of the Five Towns has also set up a suport session for adults whose family members were present at the Chanukah Wonderland during the accident. The session will take place on Sunday, December 28 at 12:00 noon, and will be given by a team of therapists who will offer professional guidance for dealing with the crisis. A panel of counselors will discuss signs of trauma and what a parent should look out for and be prepared to address.

Meanwhile, a floor mat that slipped out of position may have led the BMW sport utility vehicle to crash into the children’s Chanukah party in Woodmere, Nassau police said Friday.

The driver, Theodore Saretsky, 76, an Atlantic Beach psychologist, told police the floor mat got caught between the pedals as he was driving on Broadway Thursday afternoon, said Det. Lt. Kevin Smith. When he stepped on the brake, the mat also pushed down the accelerator, and when Saretsky glanced down at the pedals, the SUV veered off the road into another vehicle and into the storefront where the party was being held.

A total of fourteen people were injured.

(Source: ColLive)

4 Responses

  1. B”H. It is always good to hear good news. Hashem should help heal them quickly. And to all those people out there who said that it may have been a terror attack or done intentionally or that the driver should be driving at 76 years of age, read the above. It happens alot that the mat slips and it can be very dangerous. So even though he was 76 years old it had nothing to do with his eyesight or anything. It was just a slip but a huge slip which caused alot of injuries. So it is Min Hashamyim that everyone is alive and I hope they all have a speedy recovery. By the way, don’t be so quick to judge next time.

  2. b’h the news of the accident that occurred last week during chanukah is good. the chilren are all home and the adults are mending, hopefully , and should be coming home soon.
    rabbi wolowik and the chabad center should entertain making a seuodos hodoa for the whole neighborhood withthe participation of all its rabbonin and membership to show that hakoras hatov l’h’k’b’h’ for the nissim h’geluim that the ribono shell ollam did with our neighborhood and b’h all is well.

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