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Monroe, NY: Menorah Fire Injures Choshuva Rov

fire.jpgA Choshuva Rov has been hospitalized after a fire ripped through his home late Wednesday night, YWN has learned.

The fire – which apparently started from a Menorah – quickly spread through the private home located on Lincoln Road in Monroe, NY. Fire departments from neighboring towns were called to assist in getting the fire under control.

The Rov who was asleep at the time of the fire, was transported to Westchester Medical Center where he is currently being treated for smoke inhalation. There were B”H no other injuries reported.

By the time the blaze was brought under control, the home had suffered heavy damage. 

Please be Mispallel for Nochum Boruch ben Chana.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

20 Responses

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about so many injuries due to Menorah fires. May all the injured have a refuah shelaymah!! Besides the obvious, what are we supposed to learn from this? Is Hashem trying to desperately tell us something – that perhaps we aren’t paying attention to his ‘light’ or the real meaning of Chanukah? Is he trying to wake us up? We really live in shaky times…..

  2. Why is always anecdotal case being turn into Hashem is try to tell us some thing? Is this to saying that Hashem is making super natureal or miracle that oil container is tip over even beyond natural gravitational pull (where would not be tip over under natureal event) with result of poor Rov be in hospital all for to hinting us to learn some thing?

  3. I realize that this is being facetious, but does this Choshuva Rov come from the town of Choshuv? Wouldn’t it have been sufficient to simply say that someone was injured from a fire started by a menorah? Does the fact that this person is “choshuva” make the injury more important?

  4. Among other things, I believe Hashem is telling us:

    PLEASE, take all proper safety/precautions on Chanukah.

    1. Fire proof the area: No drapes, Table cloths, Child-access.
    2. Have a fire extinguisher handy!
    3. Smoke detectors should be operational.
    … and …
    Don’t leave the fire unattended – a sleeping individual does NOT count.

    May we all be zoche to have a lichtige Chanukah and to many Nissim for ALL of Klal Yisroel.

  5. Ditto, Clarity’s comments.

    Add to that, call 911 for emergencies, and wake all those sleeping in a house that is burning and evacuate the premises.
    That is the message.

  6. clarity – we dont daven for nissim; they take away from our zchusim, and we dont want them – unless there is an element of kiddush hashem, then according to some poskim, it’s mutar to be mispalel for nissim since the impact on our zchusim is canceled out by the kiddush hashem.

    That being said, may the rov have a refuah shelaima

  7. Last year there was a mother so concerned with her kids not going near the menorah and kept it super tidy and made sure none of her kids where around there and meanwhile her kids where playing with matches behind her and lit her house on fire.. B”H they were survived but the house was gone!!!! so watch it all around not only by the menorah..
    May we only hear good news.. AMEN

  8. This cannot be said enough: when you go to sleep, PUT OUT THE NEIROS!! How many more tragedies must we CH”V hear about before we finally take the message to heart?!

  9. To zayde346: Of course it makes a difference. Would you also say the misah of any Yid is the same as the misah of a Rov, Manhig Yisroel, Gadol HaDor, etc.? If you would, you are perhaps forgetting that we have been taught that the misah of Gedolim is likened to the s’raifas Bais HaMikdosh.

    To vadim: IF we are not to take a lesson from what happens to us, why must one be m’fashpaish b’ma’asav when something perceived as bad happens to him as it says is Masechtes Berachos?

    To Matishyohu28: Although not completely serious, don’t we say “v’sa NAIS l’kabaitz galuyoseiu?”

  10. For the purpose of Pursumei Neesa the lights need only be lit for a half hour. The flames can then be extinguished. This is not a long time to have the Channuka menoras watched.
    V’nishmartem m’ode l’nafshoseichem is a mitzvoh of caring about your wellbeing and is a D’oraisa.

  11. To cherrybim:

    Two questions; Thirty minutes from when and why that amount of time?

    From when? Is it from sunset, ten, fifteen or twenty minutes later, or from when the stars come out? When do “the star come out?” Thirty-five, forty-two, sixty, seventy-two or nintety minutes after sunset?

    The poskim suggest we try to “get in” as many opinions as possible. Theoretically speaking, that could mean having the neiros burn anywhere from eighty-five minutes to one hundred twenty minutes.

    Why this amount of time? Because that is when people who could see the neiros from the street are no longer roaming the streets. Some poskim have suggested that today that means until ten or eleven o’clock.

    While that is certainly not the minhag of most people, we certainly cannot blog around telling others when and for how long their neiros should/can burn.

    Careful they must be. Leaving them near window shades, etc. cannot be. BUT TO DICTATE, OR TO EVEN SUGGEST WHEN AND HOW ONE WILL KEEP MITZVOS HASHEM, SOUNDS TO ME LIKE THE YEVANIM HAVE WON

  12. When there is a potential danger, even much more stringent positive commandments are deferred. Bris Milah (circumcising) is the most well known example. Even most negative commandments get overridden. There is a long discussion in Gemara Chulin to prove that a potential danger is more stringent than a prohibition.

  13. To answer those who asked the question about chanukah – the yeshuos yaakov asks that question, and it is in fact, subject to a machlokes between the ramah and the tevuos shor – the tevuos shur says we in fact should NOT say horachaman huh yaaseh nissim la’avosainu, and he brings a raya from a mishnah which says that if you daven to have a boy or a girl after the women is meuberes, it’s a tefilah levatalah – and zogt the tevuos shur, couldn’t he have davened for the gender to change? his answer – he couldn’t, because we don’t daven for nissim. The yeshuos yaakov on the other hand, says that we can daven for nissim(as in that horachaman) when the nes has a kiddush hashem which will cancel out the zchusim lost due to the nes.

    Shkoyach to frumteens for the info

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