The MTA has unveiled its worst-case scenario for the fare hikes and service cuts it will need to close its massive budget gap. The agency said it may need to raise subway and bus fares as high as $3.
MetroCards could also get a big increase. Monthly cards could go as high as $105, while 14-day cards could run as much as $60. The weekly metro card would also rise to $32.
As for the express bus fare, that could go as high as $6.25.
Access-A-Ride service could go as high as $6 per ride, a 300 percent increase.
There could also be major service changes. Among other things, one whole subway line — the W — could be eliminated altogether, with the Q and N trains picking up the slack. M trains could also be eliminated in Brooklyn.
The proposal also includes a series of bus service cuts in all boroughs except Staten Island.
Hearings will be held in all five boroughs beginning January 14 and run through February 4.
(Source: NY1)
2 Responses
The best way to stop them, is a “Strike” rather take car services for 2 weeks than overpay forever!
…Chazal says “Nosen Mooneh, Rotzeh Meosayim”…
Everyone in Kew Gardens Hills should definitely be calling all the local politicos (Councilman Gennero & Assemblywoman Savitsky in particular) to implore them to save the Q74 busline. This line runs right through the heart of KGH, and is imperative for those residents who commute.