Karlsburger Rav at Los Angeles Chasidishe Kollel

41.jpg(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) The Los Angeles Chasidishe Kollel hosted a question and answer hour with the renown posek Harav Yechezkel Roth shlita, the Karlsburger Rav also known as ‘the Satmar Dayan.’

As part of his regular visit to Los Angeles, sheilos were faxed by baalei batim and a list was prepared of those questions that the Rav would answer.

In prefacing his response to sheilos, The Rav told the Olam that there are joys in life that we appreciate at the moment they occur, but with time these things pass from the memory. However, when we hear a dvar halacha or we learn a blatt gemara, it is a joy that has a certain ‘nitzchis’. “We should,” he added, “be zocha to all the brachos of the Rebono Shel Olam in the zechus of the torah that we learn“.

Among the questions asked were, “what should one do if in the middle of shemona esrei his young child is creating a disturbance in shul. Can he stop his davening and take the child out?” Answered the Rov, “If he cannot finish davening right away he should stop and take the child out,”

“Can you honor someone with a bracha at sheva brachos even if that person did not eat at the seuda?”

Said HaRav Roth, “while the making of sheva brachos requires a meal, a person honored with a bracha does not necessarily have to eat at the seuda.”

Following the shiur numerous baalei batim and talmidim approached the Karlsburger Rov, some just wanted to shake his hand wish him shalom and get a bracha. Others came seeking his advice and guidance on personal matters and the Rov took the time to address their concerns before leaving.

(Note: The above are just excerpts from the shiur, All the questions and answers can be heard at englishtorahtapes.com)

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

[Photos & article By Rabbi Arye D. Gordon for YWN-LA]

One Response

  1. Can you post a direct link to the recording of the shiur? I was just on the website and could not find it.
    Tizku L’mitzvos!

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