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Caroline Kennedy To Seek Clinton’s Senate Seat

A person close to the discussions tells the Associated Press that Caroline Kennedy will seek the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Hillary Clinton. Kennedy has told Democratic Gov. David Paterson she wants the job should Clinton be confirmed as secretary of state for President-elect Barack Obama.

The person spoke on the condition of anonymity Monday because neither Kennedy nor Paterson have acknowledged she is seeking the position.

If appointed by Paterson, Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of President John F. Kennedy, would hold the seat once occupied by her late uncle, Robert F. Kennedy.

Other Democrats seeking Paterson’s nod include New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

(Source: WCBSTV / AP)

10 Responses

  1. Probably a nice woman…but other than the Kennedy name what does she bring to the table? For the whole Kennedy clan politics and it’s power are the ultimate ego trip.

  2. This is a pathetic development. What, other than the Kennedy name, prepares Caroline Kennedy to be a Senator? If Governor Patterson appoints her, he will raise questions in the minds of many as to his fitness for this office. Especially in today’s times, a Senator needs to have some king of record. Otherwise why is Governor Patterson any different than Blagojevich, Spitzer or even McGreevey.

  3. Her qualifications are laughable. In one of the papers recently there was a letter describing all the wonderful things this woman does… It mentions her being on the board of lots of charitable institutions. Very nice… If I was born into a multimillionaire family I’d also have the time to allow people to put my name on their stationary. The reality is I have to work and therefore can’t do that. Then they mentioned her being in charge of some Kennedy foundation… Hmm… I wonder how that happened.

    Pathetic. In a state of millions of people we can find people that have actually DONE something. This woman’s only acheivement is that she was born a Kennedy.

    Besides… NYC, which is crying poverty, just spent millions renaming a bridge for her uncle… millions that could’ve gone to worthy causes like social services or keeping firehouses open.

    We’ve had enough Kennedy for many years to come.

  4. Not another disaster waiting to happen What qualifies her? Nothing.Name? Heredity? Politics just for a position.Let’s get a person of stature like D’Ammatto.

  5. We just got rid of Hillary Rotten Clinton, now we have to have another of the cursed & useless Kennedys? She has no experience, just a “name.” Big deal.

  6. Caroline, an attorney, has spent her time in executive positions as a fund raiser; doing quite well, in fact. Perhaps she will bring a kinder and gentler tone to New York politics.

    While the Kennedy patriarch was no good, and cursed, I would not automatically give an ein hora to everyone with the last name Kennedy. Caroline’s uncle, Robert, was very pro-Jewish and pro-Israel, and as someone her once mentioned, was possibly the first American, politicized victim of arab aggression toward Jewish interests when he was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.

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