Jews of Yemen Hostage in Their Own Homes

yemen1.jpgSources tell YWN that a grenade was thrown this morning into the home of Saeed Ben Yisroel Chala, who is the temporary Director of the Jewish school in Raidah. Bichasdei Hashem, no one was injured.

The matzav in Yemen is right now at a critical stage – Tefillos would be in order, and perhaps an outcry – as the Jews in Raidah are currently hostages in their own homes.

Askanim in the USA are working to pressure the Yemen federal government to transport all the Jews from Raidah into the city Sanaa, which has a stronger structure of law and order (where federal forces are directly in charge, rather than tribal forces).

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. transport all the Jews from Raidah into the city Sanaa, which has a stronger structure of law and order—-for how long will this be a solution? Let the askanim in America physically remove the yidden from yemen by force (since most do not want to leave).

  2. Let the askanim in America physically remove the yidden from yemen by force (since most do not want to leave).

    they dont want to leave to ISRAEL b/c their families went of the derech, give them refuge status in the USA , support, mosdos and normal living means they will all come today!

  3. I am sure the Mossad is behind it. They did it in Baghdad, they did it in Cairo and they did it Tehran. They will do anything to scare Jews into leaving their proper way of life and move to some empty kibbutz and have their Judaism destroyed. We all know the history!

  4. #8 You may not have heard that the kibbutz system of life is almost over. They are bankrupt, becoming capitalist, and even building synagogues. So your news is from the 1950, try a different line of reasoning.

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