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Hikind Commends USPS For Seeking Alternate Solutions to Sunday Closure Of Local Post Office

usps1.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) today commended The USPS and Postmaster General for Brooklyn Joseph Chiossone for their decision to seek alternate solutions to closing the Blythebourne Station Post Office on Sundays. The Blythebourne Station, a high-trafficked post office located in the heart of Borough Park at 1200 51st Street, was scheduled to close on Sundays effective January 3, 2009.
Last week, the Assemblyman condemned the USPS for deciding to close Blythebourne Station on Sundays, electing instead to remain open on Saturdays in a predominantly Orthodox Jewish neighborhood whose residents cannot access Post Office services on the Sabbath. In response to public outcry, Hikind received a phone call this morning from Postmaster General Chiossone who indicated, “Until further notice, The Blythebourne Station will be open on Sundays.” He stated that Saturday closure, among “other options” were now being considered.

“I am gratified that the Post Office has reversed their previous determination and I applaud them for choosing to act in the best interests of their constituency,” said Hikind. “Their decision just makes good business sense in the long-term.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. It is really gracious that the post office,a governmental institution,a public business would cater to frum Jews like this. It should NOT be demanded or taken for granted.This is not a Jewish country and public offices do not cater to special groups.We are all Americans even if we are Torah -following Jews.

  2. This was commented on in the original post.
    this has nothing to do with frumkeit. it’s in a predominantly frum neighborhood being open on shabbos isnt necassary being open sunday is.

  3. #1- true, but it’s not really about that. It’s more about the fact that the predominant target customer base of this facility cannot access this service at the time it’s open, and can when it’s closed. This would have been a bad decision whether it was Frum Jews or opening a winter sports arena in the Catskills.

  4. If the “constituents” are so worried about having an open post office on Sundays, make aliyah. Otherwise, just be quiet and deal with it – the U.S. is a goyish country, don’t forget that.

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