I Found a Job Through The YWN Free Job Classifieds

job-posting.gifDear YWN Editor,

I would like to thank you for helping me find a job. I Boruch Hashem had the opportunity to find a job through your free classifieds section. That you have offered a free service to the community with free job listings is greatly appreciated.

This is a big zechus for you to have a hand in finding a fellow Yid a job – especially in these hard times.

May you be zoche to help many other yidden in finding jobs through your website.

[Name withheld upon request]

EDITORS NOTE: The financial crisis has started to take a serious toll on our Jewish brethren. Many people have lost their jobs, and people are starting to suffer. Boruch Hashem, there are many organizations trying to find people jobs as quickly as possible. Ordinary folks in Shuls are getting together with one another and trying to find the unfortunate ones jobs, while others are assiting them with loans and others with the much needed Chizuk.

Sometimes, it takes tragedy R”L, or hard times such as these, to bring out the best of Yidden, put our differences aside, and work together as a true “Klall Yisroel”.

On that note, YWN has decided to make all job listings in the YWN Classifieds Section FREE OF CHARGE – for at least the next two months. This will allow those looking for work, and those offering work to hopefully find a match.

If you are looking for work, or have a position open for someone, please click on the link below and put your information in!

The Rambam says that the highest degree of Tzedakah is helping a person find a job so they can support themselves!

Please forward this to as many people as possible, so we can all work together and help those who are not as fortunante as others.


4 Responses

  1. Yaasher koach to YWN.

    Helping somebody find a job these days is one the greatest acts of chesed – in some cases “hatzalas nefashos” – that can ever be imagined. More than the loss of income (when getting “layed off”) is the loss of self-image & sense of worthlessness. Also the boredom – someone who was actively performing the duties of a job many hours out of the day, and suddenly is faced with NOTHING TO DO ALL DAY every morning when they wake up – this could break many people, as well as families r”l.

    I think it needs to be said that the problems I mentioned above affect women EXACTLY AS MUCH AS men, perhaps even more. I know an acquaintence whose wife 3 months ago lost her job at which she had worked for over 25 years. It threatened to bring her to a state of clinical depression. A tzadik of a yid hired her at the same salary she was formerly getting, and literally saved the entire family.

    So YWN – please keep up this heilige work. In our times this is of paramount importance. May Hashem Yisborach repay you with more opportunities to bring about many other mitzvos – “mitzvah goreres mitzvah” – as well as with all the other brochos mentioned in The Torah for you and your families.

  2. Project Ezrah (who were recently covered by YW through Abie Rotenberg’s new song) also helps people find jobs as well as helps them get out of debt, etc.

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