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Mayor Reaffirms That City Needs Deeper Budget Cuts

bloom.jpgMayor Michael Bloomberg said today all city agencies will have to do more with less.

The mayor has ordered an across-the-board spending cut of 7 percent or $1.4 billion dollars, on top of the five percent cut he ordered last month.

The police department has already cut 1,100 officers by delaying its next police academy class and the next step may be layoffs. But today, the mayor dismissed fears that a reduced police force would bring about a return to darker times.

“We are not going back to the days of losing control of our streets, where crime ran rampant,” said Bloomberg. “We’re not going back to days were we stopped picking up our trash and the city started to hollow out, people were leaving, and buildings were burning and foreclosures were all over the place. I do think we’re going to have to some difficult times, but I also remain optimistic.”

Police union chief Pat Lynch said additional cuts to the NYPD would put the city’s safety at risk, adding, “If additional budget cuts are necessary, the city should make them in the many non-emergency, nonessential services it provides.”

Meanwhile, Governor David Paterson is trying to jump-start the state’s budget process.

Instead of waiting until January to deliver his budget address, he will now deliver it next Tuesday.

(Source: NY1)

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