Brutal Murder of R’ Moshe Al-Nahari HY”D

candle7.gif(UPDATED) Early Thursday morning, the sad news of the murder of a former Talmid of Satmar, R’ Moshe Al-Nahari HY”D who had recently returned to his home in Yemen, reached NY.

Credible sources tell YWN that although the motive behind the murder is unknown, one suspect has reportedly been taken into custody. Leading Satmar Askonim in Williamsburg are in contact with the US Embassy and the US State Department, and are gathering information, and assisting the family. Speculation is that the murder involves the growing conflict between the Muslim & Jewish community in the area.

R’ Moshe Al-Nahari was an active “Osek Bitzarchei Tzibur”, and community activist in Yemen, and worker tirelessly during his time in the USA to help the isolated Jewish community which currently remains in Yemen.

Sources tell YWN that the remaining Jews in Yemen are “scared for their lives”, and Askanim are contemplating on how to handle the situation.

He leaves behind a wife and son R”L.


Rabbi Masha Al-Nahari was a leader in the town of Raidah in Yemen.  Where he saw a need, he learned to address it.  He led prayer services, taught the Jewish youth and traveled to Israel to learn how to become a Shochet so that he could supply the community with Kosher meat.  In an effort to be able to provide the most to his students,  he spent time abroad studying, then returned home to Yemen to be able to share his new-found knowledge.  He was everything that makes UTS proud of its students.

Today, the community of Raidah is burying this young man.  His life was cut short by a bullet.  Jewish blood is cheap in Yemen.  There is no outcry.

In a turbulent time for the Yemen community, at a time where the US Consulate has curtailed services there, close watch must be made to the safety and welfare of the Jewish community there.  UTS decries this murder, and urges the world not to remain silent.  Allowing more Jews to be murdered just for their faith and religious practice sends a message that it is open season against the Jews.  An outpouring of outrage against this murder might keep the Jews of Yemen from annihilation. 

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

14 Responses

  1. I don’t think that he left over a wife and son R”L.
    I think that he was murdered R”L.
    Anyway, may the family have a nechama and we should not hear any more tzaros.

  2. “An outpouring of outrage against this murder might keep the Jews of Yemen from annihilation”.

    How about any mention of “an outpouring of prayer and tehillim”?! How can it be that a staff-member of YWN should write in such a way that is totally vis-a-vis daas torah?

    An apology and correction would be appreciated.

  3. #3 – it’s called “Zionism”. It tells people to believe in “kochi ve-otzem yadi” instead of on the Aibershter.

  4. #4,
    If they had left earlier, the tziyonim would have cut their payos off, and shmad them – like they did to the other helige Teimonim.

  5. See Ben Hecht’s book Perfidy for a lot of the details of what the secularists did to these simple Jews. In fact, a primary reason they wanted to bring them to Israel is assumed to be in order to increase the secular vote, and this is why they wanted them to forget Shabbos and tradition. They figured the Teimanim (Yemenite Jews) would be relatively easy to forcefully assimilate – and then the secularists would be able to stay in power, despite the increasingly anti-secularists votes from an increasing influx of Jews to Israel from churban Europe and elsewhere. There are even some videos online showing how Israel used the Yemenite Jews for medical experiments. Hashem yerachem.

  6. #7 grow up.
    There is enough support system in Israel to absorb these olim in Bnei Brak/Eldad/Betar/Arad. The choice is ‘alive & gratitue to Israel for saving us’ or ‘death and idealogy’. Its a choice that has to be made.

  7. I was quite surprised to read this item, as I had thought that there were only some elderly Jews left in Yemen.
    Any further information on this community would be appreciated and welcomed.
    Thank you.
    David Pinto
    Montreal, Canada

  8. If they had listened to the zionists yms, they would have been shmad – like the zionists did to the other Yidden from Yemen. Satmar is literally saving their lives.

  9. “My Footsteps Echo” by Rabbi Yacov Sapir, written 150 years ago, gives us a true glimpse into the glorious Yemenite mesorah that was lost 60 years ago!

  10. The story is incorrect. Nahari leaves behind a wife and nine children. I was a guest in his home this summer in Yemen. He is caring for his sick father. He was a great man. Hashem yinkom damo.

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