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Felder Co-Sponsors Law Requiring Photograph of Traffic Violations

nyct.jpgCity Hall – Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) co-sponsored legislation that would require traffic agents to photograph all violations issued and include a copy of the photograph with the ticket. The legislation, authored by Councilman James Vacca (D-Bronx),
would give motorists a basis on which to argue tickets they feel were incorrectly issued.

“There is little drivers can do when they are issued an ticket incorrectly as traffic court proceedings turn into a ‘he said, she said’ argument that too often result without the ticket being dismissed,” said Councilman Felder. “This legislation would not only provide a safeguard against overzealous traffic agents, but also reduce the number of guilty motorists who flood our courts with baseless complaints.”

“While we know parking violations are necessary to keep our roads safe and traffic flowing, erroneously issued tickets cause substantial animosity among motorists. There have even been stories of fistfights stemming from questionable tickets,” said Councilman Vacca. “Having photographic evidence accompanying each ticket would prove the motorist was violating traffic laws as well as prevent traffic agents from issuing bad tickets. We have to do whatever we can to minimize the number of unfair tickets issued in the city.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. there is only one way to fix this problem and it is very simple. the court system should be separate from the dot so that we have the truth and having judges looking over there shoulders concerned how many people are guilty.

  2. I must say: not bad at all!

    I hear the naysayers, complaining already, but the bottom line is, It will do more good then harm.

    Simcha Felder,

    Fighting against holding back the $400 refund didn’t make sense. But this one is a goody, I hope it can be implemented.

    Keep on doing things like this, and what you did with sanitation, Keep up the good work.

  3. At the same time Bloomberg tells the traffic cops to issue as many tickets as possible he also instructs the judges to find the people guilty. We the people don’t stand a chance. Its the same with the Department of Buildings and with the Department of Sanitation, there is no way to fight the ticket and the inspectors know it.
    Simcha, go ahead with Hatzlacha and when you finish with DOT fix DOB & DOS!!!!

  4. Paleeeeeeze!!! Now tickets will go up to $250 for an expired meter. How else will pay for the cameras, developing………….?

  5. Just Shteig, did you really mean “developing” the pictures?

    There is something called a digital camera, which obviates the need to develop pictures. There is also something called a handheld printer, similar to the ones the traffic agents already use to print out parking tickets, that can print out a realistic-looking photo.

  6. they have this in israel it’s pretty cool. I think it would be great. I might be able to drive down 13th ave for a change!

  7. Those bum traffic agents will find a way to break the law like they have been doing for years. CORRECTION: Since Bloomberg came in. I thing the Shomrim, who are here to protect our neighborhood from thiefs, should nget involved. Follow the traffic agent with a video cam and you will see a 50% drop in tickets.

  8. Finally simcha you are putting your energy where it should go. Fight for us little guy. Go after all the ticket writing (DOT, SAnitation, Parks, DCA etc….) GO sIMCHA GO !!!!!

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