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Jesse Jackson, Jr: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree…

jjj.jpgChicago Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) is the anonymous “Senate Candidate #5” whose emissaries Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich reportedly claimed offered up to a million dollars to name him to the U.S. Senate, federal law enforcement sources tell ABC News.

The politician says he is not a target of the Blagojevich investigation.

According to the FBI affidavit in the case, Blagojevich “stated he might be able to cut a deal with Senate Candidate 5 that provided Rod Blagojevich” with something “tangible up front.”

Jackson Jr. said this morning he was contacted yesterday by federal prosecutors in Chicago who he said “asked me to come in and share with them my insights and thoughts about the selection process.”

Jackson Jr. said “I don’t know” when asked if he was Candidate #5, but said he was told “I am not a target of this investigation.”

Jackson Jr. said he agreed to talk with federal investigators “as quickly as possible” after he consults with a lawyer.

(Source: ABC News)

9 Responses

  1. While Jesse Jackson, Sr. could not be more pompous, ignorant, and exploiting if he tried, this article is so botched up it’s difficult to make any judgment on Jr.

    The third paragraph is a mess. The word “stated” is suppose to be in the quotes? The statement, “Blagojevich stated…………………that provided Rod Blagojevich with something tangible……” Are there two Blagojeviches in this story?

    I will move on..

  2. Quite the racist article I would say…

    This is inappropriate and all you’re doing is asking for trouble. There is no reason whatsoever to publish an article in this tone of voice. We’re the first to yell anti semitism when someone write like this about us – I think we owe him a bit of respect and grant him innocence until proven otherwise. Given the mear facts as of yet, you’ve already sentenced him to 93 years with no chance of parole.

    This headline is immature and completely uncalled for!

  3. #10, where do you see anything about race anywhere int this article?! Even if the headline is “immature”, it’s commenting on Jesse Jackson, Sr.’s history, not race!! Why is it that one can no longer say anything that could even be considered negative about a black man without cries of “racism! racism!”?! Not criticizing or defending someone because of the color of their skin is racism, not criticizing blacks!!

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