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Spain Continues With Second Expulsion (Of Graves)

madrid.gifSpain is known as one of the bloodiest regimes against Jews. The expulsion and acquisition is one of the worst chapters in our history, but until decades ago these laws where still enshrined in their law, and it seems that the Spaniards still don’t have any remorse for it.

How else can be explained the desecration of a middle age Jewish cemetery in Toledo – the city of the rest places of the Rosh, Tor, Rabienu Yonah, RM”A, and many more names we come across daily in our Limudim? Nobody knows where exactly they are buried. What we do know, and the municipality’s records confirm, is that excavations are now happening on a part of an historic Jewish cemetery. It chills to think whom they’re possibly unearthing!

In fact, these leaders ignored or didn’t realized that these graves are threatened, until Asra Kadisha and a local organization to identify and protect the numerous cemeteries there, Zakhor, intervened and halted the destruction for a while. Afterwards, the Jewish Federation came into the picture, and agreed the graves should be removed.

As only natural for a country with such an historic hostility to our nation, the current Jewish community is tiny and new. They depend on and are afraid of the government. Sadly, some of them signed an agreement with the government to remove and relocate these holy graves. The Spanish Rabbis, the spiritual authorities of this federation, this week made clear in several letters to the authorities that the agreement is unacceptable and was signed without their consent. But, the Government still shields behind it, and the archaeological excavations are continuing to this moment. The place is fenced off, to avoid the ability to photograph this horrible scene.

In an effort to halt this, prayer vigils, were called by the Central Rabbinical Congress (CRC) of the United States and Canada. Several them took place this week, in front of the Spanish Consulate. 150 East 58th Street New York, NY 10017. Similar rallies took place during the week in front of the Spanish Embassy in Tel Aviv. The Askunim are determined to follow the coming week with more rallies, until the Spanish will understand that Jews have rights.

Rabbi Isaac Gluck, executive director of the CRC, spoke of the disappointment of his group that the Spanish Government had sanctioned the excavations of Jewish cemeteries, most recently that in Toledo.

“We are saddened that the Spanish government chose to commemorate its debt to history by the brutal excavations of Jewish cemeteries,” said Rabbi Gluck.

Rabbi Gluck pointed out the much of the Jewish people stemmed from Jews living in Spain, prior to the Inquisition in 1492.

“These are our ancestors, our sages, and our scholars. We pray that the Spanish authorities will put an end to these practices, and join us in seeking a new relationship.”

Jews are also encouraged to write or call the authorities, and plead to let our sages rest in peace.

Council NY
Tel# 212-355-4080
Fax# 212-644-3751

4 Responses

  1. I could not find a “contact us” link at the site you furnished. Could you please give us an email address to which we can send our protests? This would certainly increase the number of voices that will join to protest this outrage.

    Thank you and tizku le’mitzvos.

  2. Spain is known as one of the bloodiest regimes against Jews. The expulsion and acquisition is one of the worst chapters in our history, but until decades ago these laws where still enshrined in their law, and it seems that the Spaniards still don’t have any remorse for it

    You mean “Inquisition” which was as bad or worse than the Nazis,and it was run by the Catholic church

  3. All the tourist groups that go to Toledo and the other Spanish sites should cancel their bookings and then see if the Spanish authorities cooperate.

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