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Envelope found at Scottsdale Chabad House had Mumbai References

bsd1.jpgA strange envelope found at the Chabad House of Scottsdale Arizona had references to the Mumbai bombings written on the back, the rabbi who found it said Friday told AZCentral.

As YWN had reported, the Chabad House & three neighboring businesses on Scottsdale Road near Shea Boulevard had been evacuated for five hours Thursday, but it was later found that the envelope did not contain any harmful materials.

Rabbi Yossi Levertov found the envelope in the business center’s mailbox and placed it in an other rabbi’s mailbox.

He thought it looked strange; there was writing on the front with Jewish and Christian “references,” the return address was the same as the sent address and the postage stamp was not cancelled or postmarked.

When the other rabbi saw it, he noticed there was additional writing on the back that referenced the Mumbai tragedy. He said it “didn’t look good.”

Levertov said when they began thinking about it, it seemed strange, so they called the police.

A bomb-sniffing dog went a little “haywire,” Levertov said, which alerted officers that it was potentially dangerous. Because Scottsdale does not have a bomb squad of its own, the Mesa Police Department bomb squad was called in.

They found nothing harmful.

Levertov said the case is now a federal matter because it involved the U.S. Mail.

Scottsdale police said they are leaning against the notion that it was a hate crime, even though they still have not determined a motive.

Public information officers are refusing to release more information.


2 Responses

  1. copy-cat mischievous hater trouble-maker did this to scare them. this always happens after a real crime;various offices get these nasty messages.

  2. “Scottsdale police said they are leaning against the notion that it was a hate crime…”

    Let’s see… christian and mumbai references on a suspicious envelope found at a Chabad Jewish center… hmmm… nope, nothing there indicating a hate drime.

    Why? Cuz it’s NEVER a hate crime when Jews are the victims

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