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White House Press Secretary: President Is Well Aware Of Pollard Pardon Request

pollard1.jpgSEE NOTE AT END OF ARTICLE: The following is a question which was asked by a reporter at Wednesday’s White House press briefing to Press Secretary Dana Perino:

REPORTER: Two questions. Two hundred of Israel’s rabbis and other Israeli leaders, including generals, petitioned the President concerning the very serious health condition, in his 23rd year in prison, of Jonathan Pollard. And they asked the President to give him clemency. I’m wondering, does the President — he is aware of this, and what is the reaction?

MS. PERINO: The President is well aware of the request to pardon — or commute the sentence of Jonathan Pollard, but as I said to Kathleen, I’m not able to comment on where those things stand. I just — it’s a private matter for the President and if and when there would be an action that the President would take, then we would let you know.

EDITORS NOTE: Behind the scenes, askonim from all walks of communal life have been diligently working together in unprecedented cooperation – and using every available angle to free Jonathan Pollard. Now is your chance to stand up for the silent suffering and make a difference!!

A nationwide grass roots effort on behalf of Jonathan Pollard was officially launched today.  People are encouraged to click to join the effort to help set Jonathan Pollard free.

With less than two months until President George Bush leaves office, this grass roots effort is intended to remind the White House of Jonathan Pollard’s plight and to push for a commutation of his prison sentence.

Because it is critical that the White House hear from as many people as possible in the next several weeks, visitors to are urged to call, fax, and send letters to President Bush on a daily basis.  The website provides contact information for the White House, a sample letter that people can fax or mail, and an online petition that will be sent to President Bush.  Visitors to are reminded that just 60 seconds a day can help Jonathan Pollard go free.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. Wow!
    From this transcript it would seem that the Whitehouse is very much aware of
    the Pollard clemency request.
    If this is in fact the case, WE must re-double our efforts to call and fax the President as the Askanim have been urging us too.
    Time is running out. We can make a difference.

  2. Call the President at the White House at (202) 456-1111
    (If busy call the switchboard at (202) 456-1414)

    – Send a fax to the President at the White House at
    (202) 456-2461

    – Send a letter to the President:
    President George W. Bush
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC, 20500

  3. No question that we should write to the President about Pollard. But I think that it’s an exercise in futility. There is no way that they’ll allow him to get out. 2 Israeli Prime Ministers have told 2 Presidents that they won’t go on with any talks unless Pollard is released. And after talking with US officials backed off. Everybody screams it’s politics and anti semitism. No it’s national security and it won’t happen. But write we must. Ya never know. Hashem after all does do miracles.

  4. Mr. Bush has no stance on the Jonathan Pollard being a “national security” issue when he declares a war on terror and supports open southern borders where intelligence agencies have briefed him of the high possibility that arab terrorists have crossed that border posing as Mexicans.

  5. what about samet. how can we get him out? can we start a campaign ??

    PLEASE call the white house and mention his name that the message should get to the president.

    Please no comments on if he deserves to get out.
    Think of his family and children. They are lebediga aluma and yesoimim. They have no husband and father for almost 10 years!!


    Call the President at the White House at (202) 456-1111
    (If busy call the switchboard at (202) 456-1414)

    – Send a fax to the President at the White House at
    (202) 456-2461

    – Send a letter to the President:
    President George W. Bush
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
    Washington, DC, 20500

    REF: Mordechai Samet

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