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Special Azkara Lizecher Nishmas HoRav Yehoshua Gutman ZATZAL

gut.jpgOn the Shabbos before Succos, Horav Yehoshua Gutman – Menahel and Rebbi in the Yeshiva of Denver for over 30 years, and Mara Dasra of Khal Lev Avrohom in Lakewood the last 7 years was Niftar. Hundreds upon hundreds of Talmidim, Talmidos, Mispallelim, parents, friends and family came to Lakewood for the Levaya of this Talmud Chochom.

Reb Yehoshua was raised in Washington Heights, learned in Torah Vodass by Rav Rivkin ZT”L, Rav Gedalya Schorr ZT”L and had a close Shaychus with his Rebbi of many years, Reb Yaakov Kaminetzky who was instrumental in preparing Rabbi Gutman for a life of Harbotzas HaTorah. He then went to Lakewood where he heard Shiur from Rav Aaron ZT”L. After Rav Aaron was niftar Reb Yehoshua quickly became one of Rav Schneur Kotler ZT”L prized Talmidim and stayed in Lakewood until Rav Schneur and the Mashgiach Rav Noson Wachtfogel ZT”L sent him to say Shiur in Denver in 1970.

The love Reb Yehoshua had for his Talmidim and his Talmidim for him was legendary. The Gutman home was the Talmidims home and the stories from those who learned by Rabbi Gutman are amazing. He was known for his vast and unlimited knowledge in all of Shas, Poskim, Halacha, Navi, Historia, Dikduk, Hashkafa as well as on all secular and worldly subjects. He was sought out by thousands for Hadracha and Eiytzos in Chinuch, Sholom Bais, Shidduchim, and many other areas of life. He possessed the rare ability to seem available to each person for all the time they needed yet was involved with so many.

This Sunday night, December 7th at 7:00pm there will be a special Azkara for Rabbi Yehoshua Gutman ZT”L. Talmidim from around the country are planning to be in NY at the Azkara for the opportunity to hear Divrei Hesped and Divrei Hisorirus about their beloved Rebbi. The Azkara is not only for the Talmidim, it is for all who knew and were Mushpa from the Gadlus of Reb Yehoshua ZT”L. It will be a real Chizuk for Rabbi Gutman’s Rebbetzin and family to have all who knew their husband and father join them.

The Azkara will take place in Khal Keser Yisroel Mordechai – 1301 East 18th Street Brooklyn, NY. Maariv will be at 7:00pm with the program to follow. Reb Yehoshua had a life long desire of writing a Sefer Torah. His family and Talmidim will help see that become a reality by beginning to write a special Sefer Torah L’iluy Neshmoso. IY”H the Sefer Torah will be finished for his Yartzheit.

May Horav Gutman ZT”L be a Maylitz Yosher for his Mispacha, his Talmidim, his Kehilla and all of Klal Yisroel.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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