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Shock in Kashrus World, Concerns Over Security Mount Following Mumbai Murders

kosher.gifThe brutal murder of two kashrus officials in Mumbai, India by Islamic terrorists has sent shockwaves throughout the kashrus world. Rabbi Aryeh Leibish Teitelbaum, 37, and Rabbi Bentzion Chroman were in the Chabad House where four other Jews were executed, including its rabbi, Gavriel Noach Holtzberg (29) and his wife Rivka (28). The two were on a mission to inspect a mushroom plant that was doing a production run for Gefen but lost their lives when they stopped at the Chabad House for evening Mincha and Maariv services.

Rabbi Teitelbaum is the son of Rabbi Nachum Ephraim Teitlebaum (Volover Rav), a highly respected authority on kashrus who certifies the plant along with the Orthodox Union (OU).

KosherToday has learned that Israeli security officials are taking a fresh look at the security of places where Jews congregate around the world.

Rabbi Chroman had survived a devastating earthquake in China and is the latest example of the peril faced by mashgichim who certify products and plants in over 75 countries. An Orthodox Union mashgiach was lost several years ago in a crash of a small plane.

The big surge of international certification took place in the early ‘90’s when the demand for kosher ingredients in the U.S. soared, but kashrus officials say that they have generally refrained from sending mashgichim into countries they do not consider safe. An estimated 250,000 ingredient items at a value of $350 billion are said to be certified kosher.

Kashrus officials say that they will review the security of some of the mashgichim who crisscross the globe to supervise plants. One rabbi told KosherToday that he would demand increased security from plant managers including arranging safe passage for mashgichim, but while it can work on an initial inspection, it is problematic in unannounced inspections.

The kashrus world was in mourning over the loss of the two highly respected young kashrus rabbis, who left young widows and a large number of orphans behind. Although he functioned as the head of the Chabad house, Rabbi Holtzberg was also involved in kashrus supervision on behalf of the OK Kosher Certification. A large number of Chabad emissaries around the world are also involved in kosher supervision.

(Source: Kosher Today)

18 Responses

  1. My point precisely from my previous post. The Muslims murderers are trying to pinpoint our food supply. They are trying to make it impossible to keep kosher. They are planning to terrorize every Kashrus agency between the Atlantic and Pacific and are intent on finding our kosher food supply route.

  2. Although the rules are not quite the same, observant Muslims are required to eat only food that is halal. In practice, this means not eating the food of the pig. Shellfish, however, are allowed in Islam, AFAIK, although I do not have all the facts.

  3. Hey Bubby!! Calm down!! This was a terrible, tragic, barbaric act of murder but there’s no Muslim conspiracy against Kashrus. Puhleeze!! Muslims even buy kosher meat because it meets their halal standards.

  4. Kashrut is the least important thing to worry about. So we cant get our exotic things – we can always live on fresh fruits and veggies.

    Baruch Dayan Emet!

  5. wow bubby, you sound so authorotative. is this based on specific information? have you discussed this pressing issue with the fbi?

  6. I assume people should also not go to work in midtown or downtown Manhattan because there might be a possibility of a plane crashing through your office window. The bottom line is we are in Hashems hands and when our time is up it will happen which ever part of the world

  7. I don’t see it that way at all, Flatbushbubby.

    This is not an attack on kashrus, the Muslim world hates infidels; Jews and Westerners. This is a religious war the god of Mohammed who is Allah is fighting the supreme creator of the world, our gd. Every global terror attack perpetuated has involved Islamic terrorists fighting for soverignity of the world.
    9-11, the #2 bus from the kosel, the applebaum kallah and father, rockets on Sederot and Ashkelon, Seattle Jewish Center, etc. had no connection to a food supply or kashrus.

    (BTW many Muslim people have a similiar kashrus code to ours)

  8. please note I am t time go to be a mashgiach in the USA and just last month some neo-nazis started up with me screaming hy hitler and white power..jew…

    I called the local police and even with a witness nothing happened.

  9. It should be clear to everyone that this massacre was focused on doing the most harm to Jews/Israelis, so says the coroner that did the examinations. The Jews were tortured grossly. It was incidental that the kashrus people were there; they were not the targets; JEWS/ISRAELIS WERE THE INTENDED TARGETS. BTW the ‘war’ has shifted and can now be viewed more narrowly as EVIL vs GOOD, wherever it may be.

  10. To all of those na’arim who accuse me of being a know-it-all; apparently you have not watched the 15 minute video “Fitna”. It is available on YouTube. In it there is more than one Imam who calls for the destruction of the Jews.

    They also show a Muslim mother teaching her little kid that Jews are pigs and monkeys and Allah says so. So, yes they are targeting us. They are first targeting our food supply just like the Nazis did to the Jews during WWII and then they will go to us. Whenever they can they will try to kill us.

    The next thing they will try to do is manipulate the American government who now controls the banking system to make it impossible for Jews to make a parnossa. This will also imperil our yeshivos and not the ones in Eretz Yisrael. So, after cutting off our physical nourishment, they want to cut off our spiritual nourishment. Then they are hoping we will be too weak to fight them off. Because remember what the President of Iran said; There are only 8,000 Jews and only 2,000 are wealthy.

    And to the fool who thinks he is such a big chochom; now with Wahhabism, there is a big push to keep away from all food that has a hechsher because the theory is that buying kosher somehow supports the Israelis. But, you big know-it-alls only go to and don’t try to read the latest about Muslim terrorism by going to the Debbie Schlussel site, Jihad Watch, and David Horowitz’s site, Front Page Magazine.

    Because all of you letzes are too busy watching the latest narishkeit from CNN and reading the New York Times, both organs of the Israel bashing media. How ignorant you all are and you don’t even know it!!!!

  11. I’m so relieved to see we’re all back to normal & that the rudeness & Sina is beginning again. It’s so comforting because it’s all too familiar. Hmmm…Ahavbas Yisroel & Achdus lasted a few days this time; not bad.

    Lay off Flatbush Bubby, people! Disagree with respect. Haven’t we learned ANYTHING this past week?

    BTW…I’m still recruiting for Shabbos Mevorchim Challah baking L’Illuy Nishmas the Kedoshim of Mumbai HY”D. Contact me [email protected]

  12. Anonymous, I just listed the websites. If you don’t want to become more informed, that is your problem. Your reaction reminds me of something I read many years ago in the New York Crimes.

    There was an article about Israel. In it the author was commmenting how the Jews have a complex and think the whole world is against them. They called it the “Jewish Ghetto Mentality”. What the thrust of the article was trying to point out was that any type of complaint from the Israelis about unfairness or about threats to their safety was all in their head and there must be more “balance” in the reporting of Israeli news. The problem was that the writer was an Arab.

    Anonymous, are you an Arab?

  13. Bubby, killing some jews in india IS NOT TARGETING OUR food suppliy. We will still have what to eat. You cannot be serious.

    With love,
    One of your many grandchildren

  14. Flatbush Bubby, you MUST relax. Seriously. You are getting too excited over nothing. Lets all just take a chill and be realistic. The arabs have been killing us. They target Jews when ever they can. they go after Yeshivos, shuls places where Jews congregate. I have not seen them storming the OU offices, they dont hold up butcher stores and they dont take meat plants owners hostages. These animals in India had no idea that these people happen to work for a kashrus organization. Stop the stupidity. They want to kill jews. Thats it.

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