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Terror In Mumbai, Heartbreak in Eretz Yisroel: Reflections of The Past Few Days

29.jpgDeep pain & feelings of sadness.

No other words can describe my feelings at this very moment. I am overcome with emotions just sitting and looking at the photos taken at the funerals of the holy Kedoshim who were brutally tortured – and killed at the hand of murderous subhumans.

There is no words in the English language to adequately describe the type of evil that these terrorists posses. It is beyond human comprehension.

On the other hand, the amount of Achdus shown on YWN in the past few days is incredible. The amount of Tehillim recited – praying for a miracle, woman organizing as many people to take Challah in their Zechus, and finally the learning of the entire Shisha Sidrei Mishnah in the memory of the Kedoshim (Click HERE to participate). The work of so many organizations trying to assist the grieving families, the Chesed of ZAKA, Misaskim, as well as the tireless activists who activated and used their contacts in the NYPD, The US State Department, the Port Authority PD….the Israeli Air Force – and all Israeli Government Agencies…..the list is endless….

Mi Kiamcha Yisroel?

The incredible amount of people attempting to access the YWN website at once crashed our servers a few times – as the Jewish Nation looked for some hope and encouragement – and maybe a miracle. How we all sat glued to the screens for three days straight, Tehillim in hand, Davening that we would see the hostages in the Mumbai Chabad House emerge unharmed….

The reciting of Tehillim in places from the Lakewood Bais Medrash, at Kiryas Yoel at the Kever of the Satmar Rebbe, the Kever of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, in classrooms, Batei Midrashim and and in Shuls across the globe….

Mi Kiamcha Yisroel?

Chabad, Satmar, Bobov, Litvish, Sephardic, Dati Leumi, Kipa Sruga, Streimel, etc. It made no difference. Jews were murdered, and we all felt it. This tragic story has perhaps accomplished one thing: It brought Klal Yisroel together as one nation, just as when we stood under Har Sinai.

As night begins to fall in Eretz Yisroel, the Kedoshim are all buried, and the grieving families begin to sit Shiva, YWN reflects on the events of the past few days, and only hopes that we never need to bring such horror, tragedy, and sad news to Klal Yisroel.

Our dream would be to post the following headline: “MOSHIACH HAS ARRIVED!”

YWN would like to thank our dedicated staff – in NYC, Florida, California, and of course Yechiel Spira at the helm of the YWN Israel Bureau – who remained awake for three days straight to bring you the latest, and most accurate information available.

Photos & videos of today’s heart-wrenching funerals (taken by Yehuda Boltshauser & Co: Aaron Getz / Somcha Jesse / Rafael Ovadia), along with various images from this tragic incident have been uploaded.

YWN Editor.

26 Responses

  1. Yasher Koach , we have relied on your informative, and spiritual approach to these world events and sincerely thank ALL your team giving so kindly your time and effort to write on the internet . Everyone we know in Stamford Hill London N16 have known that we can rely on your website as a really good website WELL DONE even if it has crashed your servers – its just a sign of how much we all appreciate you ! Wishing you Brucha veHatzlucha from all the readers in London n16 !

  2. To hear heartbreaking divrei hisorerus regarding the terror attack on the kedoshim in indaia said by the Nikolsburger Rebbe Shlita call 718-705-6060 or 845-738-1400 and press #3 and then #1, to skip the beginning and hear this subject press 9,9,2,2,

  3. I am very grateful that you are up and running again. Let’s pray that this zechus will be what it takes to protect all Jews the world over from anymore terrorist attacks. Amen!

  4. With great sadness I join Klal Yisreol in mourning this tragedy. YWN is to be commended for the efforts to keep us up to date during this ongoing disaster. The live feed to India was used by thousands to keep us posted up to the minute when no other outlet offered us.
    Minute by minute and hour by hour updates were so important to me.
    As one who feels close to Klal Yisreol your tireless efforts to share the information in a responsible manner proved how valuable YW has become to our Klal.

    We were desperate for information and YWN came thru- Ashrecha.

    May we know no more Tzar and may we in fact see Moshiach in our time.

  5. We havent heard of anything of the Kodesh Yocheved Orpaz HY”D
    Is there some way of finding her name for Mishnayos.

    Thank you for all that you do YWN.

  6. The Klausenberger Rebbe Zatzal said about thirty years ago, that before Moshiach comes, there will be a Jew in India who’s fate would be debated by the whole world.

    May these holy Kedoshim bring the Geulah very soon.
    Thank you, YW for your wonderful journalism.

  7. YW – you and your staff were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G these last few days. It was your 24/7 dedication to getting us the news as fast as possible that enabled so many in Klal Yisroel to act as an Aguda Achas. You are right when you say Mi Keamcha Yisroel. We truly are better then the rest!

  8. As much as reflections, we need real answers about the perpetrators!
    One of the problems is that you will notice he was wearing a red band on his hand, which is a HINDU practice. And why did commandos and witnesses state that shooters were WHITE?! And how did 2 guys hold off the army and police for 2-3 days in a hotel?! For a grand total of 10?! These things are not believable. How did they find Holtzberg in tefillin when it was way after zman shacharis, supposedly after having covered his wife with a tallis? And what time was it when Rabbi Shemtov talked to the terrorists compared to when the baby came out with the nanny? WHY aren’t people asking real questions to get to the bottom of this????

  9. How could Leibush Teitelbaum have been calmly studying gemara if there were a couple of attackers shooting up the place? Many things simply don’t add up. They don’t make sense. There is a big coverup going on. It reminds me of all the unanswered questions on 9/11. How did two attackers hold off all the soldiers and police in the hotel for 2 full days?! How could there have been only 10 attackers, where several were in the Chabad House itself? It poshut doesn’t add up! We need real answers!

  10. May the mourners and all of klal yisroel be comforted together with those who mourn tzion and yerushayalim.
    An extra tefillah for those injured at Bais Shalom in Chevron, may hashem reveal himself quickly and ‘hastar panim’ should disappear.

  11. This is a heartbreak for the entire jewish world., thank you YWN & staff for the great work you’re doing, may we only share simchas together.

  12. Thank you Yeshiva World for doing such an unbelievable job the last few days. I agree with #11 and #12, there are many unanswered questions. Also, we have no way of knowing who is withholding the information from us. Is it possible that the Indian gov’t knows more than they are letting on, as a way of correcting their mistake of telling the media too much, or is the living terrorist not being all that helpful? We have no way of knowing just yet, but hopefully it will not be much longer until all our questions are answered in our third beis hamikdash.

  13. I feel I have to respond to #1.

    Editors Note: That’s not necessary. Those comments have been deleted. This is not this place for this type of chatter.

  14. Everyone who is thanking YWN… don’t forget we are so busy spending all our time on the web… LEARN SOEMTHING! SAY A KEPITAL TEHILLIM!

  15. I just want to join everyone again in thanking for being so informative when it came to telling us about the events in India. People may not realize how important it is for journalist to be careful about reporting the news as accurately as possible. My sister was on a highjacked plane in 1970 where the hijacker was killed on the plane. The press inaccurately reported that a few people were killed. My parents went through a tremendous amount of Tzar until they found out that my sister and the other passengers were fine. I wish that all reporters would as cautious as Yeshiva world when it comes to presenting breaking news. May we only hear bsuros tovos and the coming of Moshiach bkoruv!!

  16. #14 Goodyiddel, you said that there is a town by the same name both in India and Pakistan. Are you referring to Mumbai? Please clarify. Thanks.

  17. goodyiddel- with all due respect, i don’t believe this is the time or place to be posting all these ‘questions’. out of respect for the kedoshim and their families i think the focus needs to be on bringing nechama in any way we can- whether through various acts of achdus, chesed, challah, tehillim, learning mishnayos, etc. if such questions are really bothering you then inquire from sources that can supply the answers, but, the reality now is that 6 holy neshamos were murdered in cold blood and proper respect should be given to them and their families.

  18. goodyiddel- with all due respect, i dont believe this is the time to be posting all these ‘questions’. out of respect for the kedoshim that were murdered, the questions to be asked are what we can do? and how we can bring nechama to their families? whether through chessed, baking challah, saying tehillim, or learning mishnayos- we must act and we must bring about more achdus.
    everything has its time and place, and these questions may well be bothering you, but please, direct them to sources that can supply such answers, and please out of respect to these families mourning the loss of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, at least wait until after the shiva.
    may these holy neshamos have aliyos, and may their families be comforted

  19. Thank you YWN for the fantastic coverage and Chizuk you gave us all.
    My key learning from this terrible series of events was the mesirat nefesh of the kedushim for the sake of every jew regarding of his outlook or way of life. We need to follow the example of Chabad and show unconditional love for each and every jew and therby help bring them closer to Hashem. The Holtzbergers HY”D never judged anybody and accepted an jew that came.
    It was amazing to see the comments made by non-frum people here in Israel who were clearly moved by their visit to the Holtzbergers. The kiddush hashem they made every day was amazing.
    Let’s all try and learn from them and just try and show more respect and love for our fellow jew regardless of his haskafa. I think Rav Kook Zatzal said that you can hate somebody’s idelogy but you can in no way hate him.
    So before we press the “submit” button let’s think whether there is a kinder way of expressing of views without having to mevayez somebody.

  20. The Mumbai tragedy should provoke in us not only shock and sorrow but also introspection. Wars are unfortunately nothing new to the world, and terrorism is increasingly becoming the chosen instrument of small, extremist groups within the many conflicts of the world, of which the Pakistani-Indian conflict is one. What is new here is that Jews are not simply caught in the crossfire, but being specifically targeted. Innocent Jews in a synagogue in faraway part of the world were killed – as revenge for the actions of the Zionist state. If this can happen, are any of us safe?

    How long will we Jews allow the Zionist state to sully our name and cause us to die as offerings on the altar of its struggle? Let us show the world clearly that there is a difference between Zionists and Jews!

    The family of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Teitelbaum has done a good job of showing the world that distinction, by insisting that the Zionists not take part in paying him his last respects. May we do the same work in the absence of any horrific tragedies, and may Jews and gentiles in all parts of the world live in peace.

  21. #28 I am not sure what the Zionist state has got to do with this tragedy. Unfortunately is is a fact that Eisav ( and Yishmael) hate Yaakov. There was no zionist state around in those days.
    Nor was there a zionist take when the Nazis Yimach Shemam murdered 6 million yiden.
    This is Amakek and not Zionists.
    The beutiful Kedoshim murdered at Mercaz Harav whilst learning Torah were proud bnei torah and zionists. I doubt any of their families blame the zionist idealogy for their death.
    I don’t for a minute ask you to tow the zionist lie but to blame them for this tragedy is rediculous and smacks of too much sinah for my liking.

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