JUST IN – More Terror in India

p.jpg11:15PM EST: Early reports are coming in that at least three people are dead and at least 30 are injured in a blast that went off on a passenger train near the Diphu railway station in Assam India.

The bomb went off on early Tuesday morning on a Lumding-Tinsukhia passenger train. According to CNN-IBN a time bomb was planted in the bogie and it went off, killing two people – a man and a child. Soon after a third body was reported dead.

The hardcore militant group KNLF is reportedly suspected to have carried out the blast. Security forces were combing the rail route and feared the casualties may go up.

Additional details will be posted as soon as they are available.

(YWN-99 / YWN Desk NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Maybe Obama knows how to negotiate with these terrorists! He claims he can! If only these leftists liberals would stop protecting these murderers the world might have been a better place.

  2. Nothing on IBN live, and a search in Google will only come-up with the Yeshiva World link.

    Editors Note: It’s actually the IBNLIVE top story & Fox NEWS seems to have just posted it as well……..

  3. The more important news is that India is blaming Pakistan for the attack, and that both countries are engaged in the sort of troop movements suggesting they are not planning a joint Indo-Pakistani picnic and lovefest. Even if nuclear weapons aren’t used, this would have a serious impact on both the USA and Israeli.

  4. 11,
    Thank you for showing us that you have no emuna in HKBH and that you feel He isnt running the world. This is clear in your statement of once again blaming this on our fine president.

    We already know the US warned India about this a few times. This has been in the news for the last 24 hours. If its in the news, it MUST be true.

  5. Time to nuke the Kasmir. One small nuke on the region of extremist muslims will send a clear message -We have had enough. Maybe they shouldn’t nuke them because that might start nuclear war. Definitely some massive bombing of the region is necessary. Either hydrogen bombing or carpet bombing. The time is now for the Western world to stop the appeasment that we started practicing before WWII. It doesn’t work. The radicals don’t understand peace and land division agreements.
    We have appeased them in EY by giving them Jordan and Lebanon. That didn’t stop them – they terrorized EY until they got the West Bank and Gaza from the liberal leaders. Now they want Yerushalyim. Don’t people get it- they won’t stop until they have it all or they are destroyed. I pick the latter -more Jews will survive this way. The reason I say to hit them now is because if they see no more giving in from the West (US, Israel, India) maybe they will get scared off and this will prevent the West from having to have a final showdown with them. The Milchomah of Gog U’Mogog doesn’t necessary have to be with millions of Jews getting killed. If we do teshuvah and get rid of these liberal leaders and put in leaders who will do the right thing, the chances for more Jews to survive to greet Moshiach will be greatly increased. I can’t wait for all the curse outs from a lot of bloggers.

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