NYC Bus Driver Stabbed To Death In Front Of Riders

mtabus.jpgThe NYPD says a New York City bus driver was stabbed to death Monday afternoon by a rider apparently angry over not receiving a free transfer.

The driver of the B-46 bus in Brooklyn picked up the suspect around 12:30 p.m. Monday at Malcolm X Boulevard near Gates Avenue. The man swiped an invalid fare card and sat down on the bus, then asked for a transfer slip usually available to riders.

Police told CBS 2 HD that when the driver told the man that he didn’t pay for the ride and couldn’t get a transfer, the man punched the driver in the head and stabbed him to death while other riders looked on.

The suspect fled on foot. Police are offering a $12,000 reward for any information on the suspect. Police are looking for a black male between 18 and 20 years old wearing black jeans and an Adidas jacket.

The incident marked the first time a NYC bus driver has been killed on the job in 25 years.

Statement by Governor David A. Paterson:

“The fatal attack on MTA NYC Transit Bus Operator Edwin Thomas, a seven-year veteran assigned to Flatbush Depot, shocked and saddened us today. Mr. Thomas, like so many of his MTA colleagues, spent his career ensuring the safety of his passengers. Mr. Thomas was killed while serving the people of New York City, and today I ask that you offer your prayers to Mr. Thomas’s family. Michelle and I extend our deepest condolences as they face the enormity of this loss.”

Statement by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg:

“Edwin Thomas was a good man who was good at his job of helping move New York City.  I spoke this afternoon with his son Jeffrey and expressed my deep sympathies to him and his family.  I also spoke with Roger Toussaint, Edwin’s union president, and asked him to pass along my thanks to all of Edwin’s co-workers for the outstanding service they give to our City every day.  While the investigation into this stabbing is ongoing, an attack like this is so shocking in part because it has become so rare in our City.  In Edwin’s memory, I ask all New Yorkers riding public transit tonight or tomorrow to take an extra moment to say ‘Thank you’ to our New York City Transit workers and I ask everyone to keep Edwin Thomas’s family and loved ones in your prayers.”

(Moshe Altusky – YWN / WCBSTV)

16 Responses

  1. it shows the extreme sick factor of the regular American “not the attacker” as long as hes not attacking me i’ll mind my own business and not intervene why didn’t anyone help and stop this guy! its called selfish borderline evil

  2. Rabosi it’s time to get the hint from Hashem: move out of NY a.s.a.p. Moshiach is on his way get over to Eretz Yisroel, stock market is falling it’s all pointing that the Geualah is very close. Moshiach will appear in Jerusalem.

  3. this is terrrible! what has our world come to? when is this horrible galus among such people going to end?! Ad Mosai!

  4. You never know when or where a savage will strike. Bus drivers are so vulnerable to harm.Train drivers (motormen) however,drive in privacy.

  5. For the edification of all Yeshiva World News readers, this crime occurred in the middle of Bedford-Stuyvesant, not exactly a Jewish neighborhood anymore.

  6. The Alte Rebbe of Skverre, before moving his kehilla to what is New New Square, is quoted as having said Brooklyn is no place to be a Yid. As one who 20 years ago moved into a close by “out of town” community, I second that. “In-town” folk have no real idea how the NYC environment has a negative effect on ruchnias and on simple peace of mind . . they just think they’re “tough” – it’s something ex-Brooklynites comment about out here . . . it takes being out for a good year to really understand it.

  7. #1: the entire incident probably happened in the space of a few minutes. arguments may be common, but we don’t generally expect violence to follow. it’s more reasonable to assume that the passengers were shocked, rather than indifferent.

  8. #5 Passengers from Crown Heights sometimes take that route to Williamsburg. I was on the #46 bus this afternoon. The driver was visibly saddened.

  9. #7 – ex-Brooklynites may think they’re “tough”, but to the people whose communities they move to ‘out-of-town’, they’re just plain rude. “Toughness” is not a mitzvah!

  10. #12, I know that. That is the Utica Ave. bus. There is limited service on that route. People from Williamsburg and Crown Heights take that bus because it’s last stop is Kings Plaza. But, I don’t think anyone would think to take a leisurely stroll on Malcolm X Blvd. and Gates Ave. on a Shabbos afternoon.

  11. The piece of filth murderer got on the bus with a metrocard that had 0 balance and refused to pay the fare. On top of that he demanded a free transfer. When the driver correctly and politetly refused he punched and stabbed the driver to death in an instant.

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