Threats to Shluchim Elsewhere in India

rebbe2.jpgThe following report was filed by Israel Channel 1 correspondent Uri Revach.

Rabbi Betzalel Kupchick, who runs the Chabad house in Pune, India, has had his share of threatening mail.

Following last week’s carnage in Mumbai, the threats, which do not elicit the ire of this particular Shaliach, do have authorities in Israel and hopefully in India concerned. Local police “have sent a unit to investigate”, and a representative of Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office has met with Rabbi Kupchick to discuss the realities regarding the dangers in the area, but no additional information regarding that meeting may be released.

Among the letters sent to the rabbis are threats to “wipe out the Chabad house and the Jews and Israelis”, signing off with the infamous “Ala Akhbar”. The letter also threatens “The CIA and Mossad will not be able to save you”.

Revach was present in Kfar Chabad on Sunday night, listening in to a meeting of 14 Shluchim, learning of the alarming threats faced by Rav Kupchick. They met in the home of Rav Segal, and the decision was made that in response to the terror and the threats, Shluchim around the world must increase their activities and make an even more outwardly presence this Chanukah.

Chabad spokesman in Eretz Yisrael Rav Menachem Brod has confirmed there are threats, and there have been in the past, and the Chabad network remains in touch with security officials.

The latest information of the threats serves as testimony regarding the Mumbai attacks — that the terrorists were determined to murder Jews and Israelis, and it appears efforts will continue to increase security for Chabad centers worldwide, at least in high-risk locations.

The new information adds a measure of legitimacy to requests from UTJ MK Rav Yaakov Litzman, who is calling on the Israel Foreign Ministry to undertake the responsibility for protecting Chabad House, a call that is now being echoed by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate.

As far as the Shluchim are concerned, they are now more motivated than ever to step-up activities this Chanukah and bring the light into the world.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

24 Responses

  1. with all due respect to the shlichim-
    if there is a sakana to the shluchim, a sheila shoud be asked if they may stay there.

  2. The events themselves are an implicit threat to not only Chabad shlichim in countries with Muslim populations, but also anyone working in kashrus in those countries. Indeed, the fact the the terrorists were connected to the global terror oriented Islamic network, suggests that in any country with even Muslim minorities there is no a threat to anyone who is openly Jewish. While occasional individuals have attacked Jews before, this suggests a bigger and more organized threat.

  3. i don’t get it if there are credible threats why are they going out and stepping up their activities i would think to step down on their public activities is more appropriate

  4. In the aftermath of such a brazen, barbaric, cruel murderous attack on “our” people, there is the instinctive reaction to “hang tough” in the face of the terrorists and “show them” that we will not be deterred from our regular activities.

    Let’s not forget that the stand of all the gedolei hador has always been to stay away from “hisgarus ba’umos haolam”. I know that this is a particularly difficult line to follow. As a result of the “kochie v’otzem yadie” exhibited by the medina we have become accustomed to believing that we CAN and SHOULD hit back hard in revenge against terror acts of the sonei yisroel yemach sh’mam. We must remember that their way is NOT the way of the Torah. They are NOT our protectors in any way (sometimes r”l the opposite). Only the Ribbono Shel Olam is!

    “Aizehu gibbor, hakovesh et yitzro”.

  5. I much prefer your approach to how this tragedy was reported than the irresponsible armchair reporting engaged by other blogs. In an effort to “scoop” the story, some blogs reported early Thursday afternoon that Rabbi Holzberg was found dead. Did they consider whether the obscure Indian news outlet credited with disseminating this information was creditable before blasting it for a few hours across the top of their homepage that fateful afternoon? Did they wonder why no respectable media agency was reporting this story? Was any thought given to how family members who were desperate for news on their loved ones might react? Lastly, if even one person stopped davening after reading their report, should they be held accountable? As everyone now knows, the Rabbi was not murdered r”l until late Friday afternoon based on the condition of his body. This is why anonymous bloggers have no business pretending to be reporters. At least with an established news agency, they know if they blow a story there will be repercussions, not the least of which is their reputation.

  6. So, DaasTorah, the Ribbono Shel Olom is the only mover of events in the world, and YOU think he gave the means to Protect Yidden and Preempt the killing of more to the Medina for what? To sit in a warehouse? It is ironic that those who are most conditioned (and appropriately so) by a Torah Lifestyle to see the hand of Shomayim in everything refuse to see it in a soldier, in an army, in an ability to hit back. Do you think Hashem has cholilo vchas withdrawn himself from the world? If he chooses insturments to do his will that are not asd pure as you, can you contemplate questioning him? If you can accept that it wass hakodosh boruch hu’s will that a crusader, a cossack, a nazi can end Jewish lives, why on earth can you not accept that it is his will that Jews – secular, frum, charedi, chardal, kibbutznik, dati leumi, and all others – sustain Jewish lives?

  7. 1,3,5,and #6 this has nothing to do with the Medina or threats. Every Jew M’Arab Kanfos Ha’aretz are targets of these animals. However, as through-out the History of teh Yidden, (Hanukka the Massive Greek Army and the few Maccabim) Giborim B’yad Chalashim, believe me for Yehudah and his sons the threat was REAL but ahead they marched spreading Yiddishlkiet as should we all. VEITER for the sake of these and all the Kedoshim, spread Torah, Don’t hide and Has-m will do the Yikom Damam. We will SPREAD TORAH EVERYWARE.

  8. Chabad Shluchim are on the front lines. They are in a position that may compromise their security somewhat, but so are firefighters, police officers, EMTs, soldiers etc. Hatzolas hanefashos warrants people to compromise their security if they are willing to do so. It’s their choice.

  9. The common ground among all the comments posted is obvious (I hope) that we should be davening that Hashem protect all Jews everywhere from any harm, whether or not we agree with their views and activities. They are obviously asking and following their daas Torah and let us hope and pray that that will protect them. HaGaon HaTzaddik R’ Mendel Kaplan, zatzal, used to say that mima nafshach, if a place is muchzak as dangerous then it’s assur to go there, and if it’s not and one is allowed to go there, then it’s assur to be worried about it.

    In terms of the postings so far, please, please, everyone try to express your disagreements without demonizing or belittling people those you disagree with. This is the true meaning of darkei shalom, not that we agree about everything but that we disagree with respect, even if we don’t understand. R’ Yaakov Emden said that the way to tell if a machlokes is l’shem Shamayim is if the parties to the machlokes treat each other on all matters not related to the machlokes with love and respect. Anything else is a machlokes she-lo l’shem Shamayim and is covered by the very serious issur of being like Korach and his eida.

  10. Personally, I think that there is ‘too’ much information out on the web, which becomes a resource for terrorists. For example, the captured terrorist in Mumbai, India said that they used ‘Google Maps’ in their planned attacks. Free flow of information is wonderful, but when it falls into the hands of terrorist creatures we have a problem.

  11. in response to #6…. no one is saying not to take the necessary security precautions, that goes without saying. But the whole arguement of “al tisgaru baumos olam” is your shita about the entire idea of public chanukah menoras in the first place. this has nothing to with the terror attack. so please if you don’t agree with the whole thing that’s (not) fine. but don’t blame shlichus for the terror attacks. if not for shlichus so many mashgichim wouldn’t have a shul to daven in etc…………

  12. For the record, Mesiras Nefesh in the face of security issues for keeping AND spreading yiddishkeit has been in our genes for all time. Gedolei Yisrael have built chadorim, sent shochtim, built mikvaos, against all odds. In recent history under communist Russia the Rasha’b and his son the RaYaTZ sent shlichim, many of whom never returned their whereabouts unknown.

    The continuity of Yiddishkeit takes precedent over personal saftey. The legendary Reb Yitzchok Zilber Z’L and many others sacrificed their lifes to spread Yiddishkeit in our times.
    In every country, Poland, Galicia, Hungary,Russia, and Lithuania, there were the fighters for Yiddishkeit who didnt care about “security issues”. We are here today only becouse of them.

    Was that also Hisgaros Be’umos?
    “Kochi Ve’otzem Yodi” in regard to spreading Yiddishkeit !?!

  13. yaashar koach to the shluchim who do what they must and whatever the rebbe said to do. may we all be zocher to see the bais shlishi very very soon.

  14. #6, we have to do our hishtadlus to save our brothers, and this includes striking at those who our trying to kill them. if someone was coming after your family with a gun, would you sit back and have emunah or call the police?! we must have emunah, but we also have a chiyuv hishtadlus!!

  15. First fo all the name daastorah belongs to me. Dont confuse me with watchdog.

    Bechira chofshis is only given to yidden. When a goy does something, he has been sent.
    Without going into the details of the different shitahs why they get punished i would just like to point out that it is impossible for a goy to attack and succeed unless he was sent from above.

    It is also clear to everyone that the zechus of a mitzvah remains forever and had an effect on the entire universe.

    When we say that we will fight terrorist by adding in good deeds we mean it. When a goy helps an old lady cross the street in a nice peaceful village in Oklahoma, he doesn’t fight evil. He is just being good in a good place. That is nice but doesn’t make the world a better place in muslim countries. When a yid does a mitzvah anywhere in the world he increases in spiritual light which cuases a global revolution wether we see it or not.
    So the way to protect our brothers in different countries is by adding in mitzvos. Everywhere.

  16. Note the attackers came from Pakistan- and were not going for Indians. No Jews in Pakistan- they had to invade a neighboring country- and in a city with 18 million people, they were targeting and found the 6 Jews there!

  17. #22
    goyim do not have bechira??
    please site ur [exact]source!!

    do they have bechira to keep or not to keep the 7 mitsvos of b. n. ??!!?!?
    do the the chasidei umos haolam not get rewarded, – bec. they “were sent” without bechira??!?!!!??
    [ the rishonim explain pharoh in mitsrayim had his bechira taken away, but not all goyim!!]

    please have mercy on us & dont post ur hashkafa thoughts before u verify it with a competent authority. this is not a joking matter. thanks.

  18. frumimaof3: that’s why you’re not a shliach. back in russia, lubavitcher rebbeim would send chassidim to open mikvaos and chadorim, with both the Rebbe and the chossid knowing full well that they would be killed or arrested by the russians. the fact that there was never a shortage of shluchim is a testament to the lubavitcher Rebbeim and their chassidim.

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