Weiner Renews Calls for Clemency for Jonathan Pollard

pollard.jpgSEE NOTE AT END OF ARTICLE: New York City – Representative Anthony Weiner (D – Queens and Brooklyn) today renewed his call for President Bush to grant clemency in the case of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence for passing information to Israel. The full text of the letter from Rep. Weiner to President George Bush is attached to this release.

December 1, 2008

Honorable George Bush
The White House

Dear President Bush:

I write to request that you grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard.

This year Mr. Pollard celebrated his 54th birthday.  This is the 23rd year that he has celebrated his birthday in prison.  No other person convicted of espionage on behalf of a United States ally has ever been imprisoned for so long. 

Mr. Pollard has admitted that he broke U.S. laws.  He has expressed sorrow for what he did.  Mr. Pollard cooperated fully with the investigation into his activities and he waived his right to a jury trial.  He has served more than enough time for the crime of passing information to an ally. 

The life sentence which Jonathan Pollard is now serving is not a reflection of the severity of the crimes he committed, but rather the result of past ineffective counsel and a damage assessment report written by an intelligence community that was badly shaken by unrelated espionage cases earlier that year.  In a review of Mr. Pollard’s case, Former federal Judge George Leighton wrote, “[t]he evidence shows that the government engaged in serious misconduct that went unchecked by an ineffective defense counsel, Richard Hibey, and… these constitutional violations severely prejudiced Mr. Pollard, and resulted in his sentence of life in prison.”

Mr. Pollard did commit a serious crime and he deserved to be punished for his action.  However, after reviewing the facts of the case and receiving multiple classified briefings on this matter, I believe that he has served a sentence that far exceeds the appropriate term for the crimes he has committed.  Mr. President, the time has come to free Jonathan Pollard.  I respectfully urge you to grant him clemency and send him home to Israel.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


Member of Congress

EDITORS NOTE: Behind the scenes, askonim from all walks of communal life have been diligently working together in unprecedented cooperation – and using every available angle to free Jonathan Pollard. Now is your chance to stand up for the silent suffering and make a difference!!

A nationwide grass roots effort on behalf of Jonathan Pollard was officially launched today.  People are encouraged to click freepollardnow.com to join the effort to help set Jonathan Pollard free.

With less than two months until President George Bush leaves office, this grass roots effort is intended to remind the White House of Jonathan Pollard’s plight and to push for a commutation of his prison sentence.

Because it is critical that the White House hear from as many people as possible in the next several weeks, visitors to freepollardnow.com are urged to call, fax, and send letters to President Bush on a daily basis.  The website provides contact information for the White House, a sample letter that people can fax or mail, and an online petition that will be sent to President Bush.  Visitors to freepollardnow.com are reminded that just 60 seconds a day can help Jonathan Pollard go free.

(Dov Gordon – YWN NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Brit, lieberman, though years behind anthony’s calls for commutation, is on board no, and has been speaking to the president about it. both him and lautenberg, who were previously against it, have come on to say commutation is due, as has all past cia and fbi directors.

  2. All the gedolim signed a kol korei many years ago paskening that this is a mitzva deoraisa of pidyon shevuyim.

    I don’t understand how any frum Jew can read this article and not make the simple effort of clicking on the petition link and adding his name. (Only the initial of your last name appears where other people can see on the website)
    Likewise – it only takes a minute to call the White House – we should all do it daily until he is granted clemency. This may be his last chance for several years to come! Call the President now at (202) 456-1111 If busy call the switchboard at(202) 456-1414. (numbers taken from the website)
    Tizku L’Mitzvos!

  3. #6
    The Askonim leading this effort are in a better position then we are to guide this effort. If they are asking us to follow this derech- then do it.
    Tremendous efforts are underway publicly and privately to free Jonathan. Those in the public who wish to assist are being offered a tangible way to do so. If you are not convinced- that is your right, but keep the negative cynical analysis to yourself lest you hurt this effort in any way which I am sure you would not want to do.

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