EFFECTIVE TODAY – Toll Increase on NJ Turnpike & Garden State Parkway

gsp11.jpgNew Jersey drivers will have to dig deeper into their pockets starting today as toll increases take effect on the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway.

On the Turnpike, the cost of an average 22-mile trip will increase to $1.70 from $1.25. One-way tolls on the Parkway will go to 50 cents from 35 cents.

Electronic message boards on both toll roads are reminding motorists about the increases.

The additional revenue will be used to repay bonds sold to finance past construction projects and to help pay for more than $8 billion in road work.

Three added lanes are planned for the Turnpike between Exits 6 and 8A, and a third lane will be added to the Parkway between Exits 63 and 80.

(Source: NJ Turnpike Authority)

One Response

  1. the math sounds good , however if you check the math from exit 10 to the northen end they pay a much higher amount in toles then the southern end.

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