Reb Bentzion Chroman HY”D

kroman.jpgThe residents of Kiryas Bobov in Bat Yam are having difficult accepting the painful news, that the young avreich, R’ Bentzion Chroman is no longer with them. He too was among the victims in the Mumbai Chabad House, a mashgiach for the Volover Rebbe of Boro Park Shlita. He is survived by a wife and three children, with the oldest being 3.5 and the youngest 3 months.

Bentzi as he was known, was a popular figure, someone who friends explain “got along with everyone”.

Bentzi was named after Rav Bentzion of Bobov HY”D ZY”A. His father is a pillar of Torah, and Bentzi was raised in a home where learning was not just a daytime activity. His mother toils to ensure her husband is permitted to continue occupying the halls of the beis medresh.

He was educated in his early years in Bobov Yeshiva in Bat Yam and from there to Yeshiva Kochav Yaakov. He was married in 5762 to the daughter of Rav Dovid Levin of Ganei Tikvah. Shortly after their wedding they settled in Bat Yam, near Bentzi’s parents.

The young couple decided not to burden the parents, and they purchased their home with their own funds, and Bentzi then entered into the kashrus world, deciding to be self-sufficient, not wishing to place the burden of supporting his family on anyone else.

This however did not bring an end to his limudim, and he had a late night shiur and was a regular occupant of the large Bobov beis medresh in Bat Yam during the nighttime hours.

Of late, it was known that he added to his daily learning seder and he was in the beis medresh until the very late hours of the night. During the last yomim noraim, friends commented on the intensity of his tefillos.

His last visit to India was delayed over and over again due to difficulties pertaining to his visa. Last motzei Shabbos he finally left, and was scheduled to return on Wednesday. He packed up his belongings in the hotel and headed to the Mumbai Chabad House to say goodbye to Rav Gavriel and Rebbitzin Rivka, to daven and to thank them for their hospitality. It appears the terrorists arrived shortly after him – and it is believed he tried to run for his life. His body was found on the fifth floor, shot at point blank range.

The Vaad HaRabbonim for Tzedaka in Eretz Yisrael has launched a keren to assist his family – Keren Rav Bentzion Chroman  HY”D – Keren number 2732. donations in Eretz Yisrael may be made by phoning 1-800-223-636 or *072. A website has been established as well. Click HERE to donate.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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