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Tragic Death of Young Gerrer Chassid in Eretz Yisrael

candle14.gifMany tears were shed at the levaya for 35-year-old Yitzchak Yehuda Leib Lev z”l, who was killed as a result of a tragic accident in Bnei Brak on Monday.

Yitzchak Yehuda got up at his regular time, went to mikve and davened, and even managed to return his tallis and tefillin home before deciding to take a look at the young couple’s new home on Sokolov Street in Bnei Brak. It was dark, and apparently, he did not see the elevator shaft, stepping in, falling to his death R”L. Yitzchak Yehuda is survived by his wife and five children.

He was a son to prominent Gerrer chassid Yitzchak Meir Lev. Among those present at the levaya was the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita.

On the day of his tragic petira, a large chumash siyum was scheduled in the Gerrer talmid torah where the niftar’s 5-year-old son is a talmid. The siyum was cancelled.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. I don’t understand…how coud the elevator doors be open if the elevator is not on that floor? how do u walk into an elevator shaft?? is it building management negligence?
    Hashem should be menachem the family the friends!

  2. there was probably no elevator in the shaft, so if it’s dark you can just fall it. It’s a terrible terrible thing. May his family be consoled among the mourners of zion.

  3. The awful price that we all have to now pay for the machlokes duing the recent elections. The fire of machlokes burns away at the best! HaShem yerachem! May he be the final korban tzibbur and may all sides reunite speedily lekiddush HaShem.

  4. # 4 how do you know its due to Machloked? are you a prophet? its so sad that Hashem has to send us such strong messages for all of us to wake up and do Teshuva

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