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PHOTOS: The Novominsker Rebbe Declares: 100 Videos Can’t Describe the Chessed Done for Even One RCCS Patient

26.jpg(LINK TO PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Addressing a wall-to-wall assemblage of RCCS supporters at the Inaugural Flatbush RCCS (Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society) Dinner last week at El Caribe, the Novominsker Rebbe’s remarks came after the showing of a video in which several former cancer-stricken patients expressed their appreciation to RCCS for “funding their personal miracle”, and before the father of a former leukemia patient personally thanked RCCS for allowing them access to the best medical coverage that resulted in his son’s full recovery, bs”D.

In the presence of a dais lined with leading Gedolim from the Flatbush community, including Rabbi Aharon Schechter, the Rosh HaYeshiva of Mesivta Chaim Berlin , the Novominsker Rebbe described the many Mitzvos one accomplishes by helping RCCS patients, and told everyone “that you don’t have the slightest conception as to how RCCS saves entire Yiddishe families, and yes, entire generations. No one should have any doubt of the Kedushas HaChessed, the Hatzolas Nefoshos, of this Mosod Hakodesh, RCCS; it is an immeasurable z’chus to take part in this organization.”

The dinner was organized by a committee of volunteers from Flatbush whose goal was to help RCCS raise the money needed to pay the health insurance policies for 30 current patients residing in the Flatbush area. RCCS provides an array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need; primary among them is the subsidizing of health insurance premiums for some 300 patients annually, enabling them to obtain the best possible medical care.

The attendees also heard an impassioned plea by RCCS founder and president, Reb Hershel Kohn, who pleaded to the world for assistance in helping RCCS raise the funds needed to help all who come begging at our doors, an average of four applicants per week!

The dinner was chaired by noted askan, Elly Kleinman, and was dedicated to the memory of the late Shabsi Goldstein, z”l. Awards were presented to Dr. Joel Rosenshein, Mr. Avrohom Abba Sandberg, and to Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Rand. A memorial tribute was also delivered to long-time supporter of RCCS, Mr. Izzy Weinstock, z”l.

The Novominsker Rebbe closed with a plea that everyone who helps RCCS should be “absolved, with Rachamei Shomayim, from this dreaded disease and that we should merit only Simcha, Nachas, and Hatzlacha”.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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