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Olmert to Bid President Bush Goodbye

olbu.jpgPrime Minister Ehud Olmert on motzei Shabbos left for what will most likely be his last official visit in the White House as prime minister, one of a handful of world leaders invited to bid farewell to outgoing president, George W. Bush.

Olmert will be in Washington for a number of days, during which time he will reportedly make a final request from Bush to pardon Jonathan Pollard. While Pollard supporters are skeptical as to just how much sincerity the Olmert request will include, some analysts point out that bringing Pollard home would significantly assist Olmert, who in a number of weeks will be stepping down to face a barrage of police investigations and possibly, criminal indictments.

Olmert is also expected to inform the White House of Israel’s willingness to move ahead on the Syrian track despite the painful concessions that such a move will involve.

In addition, Olmert is expected to call on the outgoing president not to cut the $30 billion ten-year aid package to Israel, despite the global recession. Officials in Jerusalem are concerned over growing support on Capitol Hill to cut foreign aid due to the bleak economic realities at home.

As a result of his trip abroad, there is no weekly cabinet meeting taking place on Sunday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Forget the kissing and hugging, respectfully ask for freedom for Jonathan Pollard. As much as we call the white house, the Israeli government must formally make this request.

  2. If Mr. Bush were to pardon Mr. Pollard, I think that many Jews the world over would remember Mr. Bush and his presidency with much fondness for that kindness.

    Whatever may have happened, Mr. Pollard is a Jew who is imprisoned, and as fellow Jews, we hope the president would be kind to him and grant him freedom.

    May we all merit the geula shleima bimheira biyameinu Amein.

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