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Sullivan County Considers Licensing Contractors

co1.jpgSullivan County officials and the district attorney are trying to find a way to protect consumers from fraud at the hands of fly-by-night contractors.

They’re pitching everything from creating a Web page with a list of registered contractors and a clearinghouse of information, all the way up to licensing requirements.

But several town supervisors are already coming out against the idea.

Sullivan County officials hosted a meeting in the Government Center on Friday attended by most of the supervisors, in what was described as a first step.

Dean Tamburri, a field representative for Laborers Local 17 and member of the county’s labor committee, pointed out that Rockland County has mandatory licensing and posts information on a Web page. Other counties, including Orange and Ulster, are moving in this direction, he said.

Several supervisors, however, expressed doubts licensing would protect consumers from fraud, while also saying this would add more government.

“I have spoken to a lot of people and there is not a lot of support,” Forestburgh Supervisor Jim Galligan said. “In my personal opinion, a license doesn’t make a person honest.”

District Attorney Steve Lungen argued that some system needs to be put in place. He noted the county licenses electricians, and his office is not getting complaints about electricians.

But he continually gets complaints about contractors, and the losses are in the millions over the past five years, Lungen said. Elderly people are losing tens of thousands on bad jobs. Either the contractor takes the money, does a little work and leaves, or the contractor does a terrible job.

He said in most cases, he can’t prosecute because the contractors are technically breaking no laws.

“This is no small issue in the county,” Lungen said. “This is substantial. They (consumers) need to be protected. We are not doing a good job of doing that.”

(Times Herald Record)

2 Responses

  1. The city just recently started licensing contractors & all it does is create more expenses passed on to the consumers.

    Government has to step back and let people live without controlling every aspect of life. A free market allows for good guys & bad guys to compete & people will ultimately choose the good guys over the bad guys. More government regulation equals higher costs, period!

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