Photos: New Kollel Opens in Waterbury

DSCF4621.jpg(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) In a milestone event, a gala breakfast was held this past Sunday celebrating the opening of the Waterbury community’s second kollel. The breakfast, which was well attended, was another strong indicator of the kehillah’s continued growth. The new kollel, under the leadership of Rav Boruch Yehuda Rabinowitz from Eretz Yisroel, is located in the Blue Ridge development, Waterbury’s newest neighborhood.

Undoubtedly the highlight of the breakfast was a Shiur P’sicha delivered by HaRav Reb. Yeruchum Olshin Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoha. Other featured speakers at the event included Rav Chaim Cohen and Rav Aaron Kaufman of the Waterbury Yeshiva Gedolah, Rav Daniel Kalish, Mara D’Asra of the Blue Ridge area and,  Rav Rabinowitz the Rosh Kollel of the Blue Ridge Kollel.

It was particularly heartwarming to witness the obvious enthusiasm with which the existing kollel members welcomed the new kollel. Rav Cohen expressed his excitement about the important new addition to the kehillah. The spirit of achdus that pervaded at the event was typical of the overall sense of unity that personifies Waterbury.

If functions of Yiddishkeit are the “vital signs” of a community, then Waterbury is definitely a thriving and flourishing place. With three shuls, two kollelim, a brand new mikveh, a yeshiva ketana with an enrollment of over 200, and a renowned Yeshiva Gedolah, Waterbury’s growth since its beginning several short years ago is truly astonishing. The community also boasts many kosher lifestyle conveniences, such as a deli, a kosher grocery with cholov Yisroel, two bagel stores, and more.

Perhaps the most fundamental element of Jewish life in Waterbury is that of the community members themselves – the extraordinary level of bain odom l’chaveiro that is practiced, and the way new families are so warmly welcomed. Indeed, the wonderful reception given to the community’s newest kollel is eloquent testimony to the Torah values of this vibrant and cohesive kehillah.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Umimenu Yilmedu ……
    There is a tremendous need for more frum communities such as this one, for the oilem living in the metropolitan area. This would be beneficial both bgashmiyus (outrageous NY prices) and bruchniyus (city life is not conducive to our neshama).

  2. Kol Hakavod to all those involved in building such a vibrant makom Torah. The siyata dishmaya is incredible….
    May Waterbury continue to grow in all areas of ruchnius and continue to be the role model it is.
    May our community soon be zoche to have kollelim, yeshivos and a mikvah, and see such growth.

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