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Photos: Torah Learning Continues During Power-Outage in North Miami Beach

9.jpg(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) At 5:40PM Tuesday afternoon, 2,000 homes in North Miam Beach, FL, were suddenly plunged into darkness. Yeshiva Toras Chaim, the Chofetz Chaim branch located in North Miami Beach, was struck by darkness as well. Being just a few minutes after sunset, residents had only 15-20 minutes before it became completely dark.

While people were scrambling to find places to go that had light, the Yeshiva swung into action. Anyone in Florida, the Yeshiva no exception, is fully prepared to deal with blackouts – being that they are always in the danger of a hurricane. Emergency battery-operated lights were pulled out of storage and the Yeshivas emergency preparedness plan was put to test. Within minutes the Bais Medrash had lights on the tables and the learning continued seamlessly.

While all this was happening, Yitzy Rosenberg, founder and director of North Miami Beach Shmira swung into action. He knew very well that being that it was rush hour, the situation on the streets would be a madhouse without lights. He quickly jumped into the Shmira Patrol vehicle and drove over to Miami Gardens Drive and 10th Ave., one of the busiest corners in NMB during rush hour and was directing traffic with nothing more than a flash light.

After about one hour the power was restored and all returned to normal.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(YWN FL-99)

10 Responses

  1. Yitzy.more power to you. a yasher koach. P.S. Watch out for the goons, that they shouldnt break into the houses,as they usually do in a blackout. By the way,how is the onion noodle soup in Jerusalem Pizza? is he still making it?

  2. I actually attended Yeshiva Toras Chaim back in the day. Like my Rebbeim used to say: מעט מן האור דוחה הרבה מן החושך.

  3. Baruch hashem for the chofetz chaim branches through-out america! They keep the “light” of torah going even when there is no light!

  4. Macher99, the CC in Israel also keeps the “light” of Torah going in the darkness
    PS—It’s actually cold right now in Miami!

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