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UPDATED 11:30PM: Fire At Building Belonging to Yeshiva Ohr Sameach

mfd.jpg3:30PM EST: (UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Monsey Fire Department is on the scene at Yeshiva Ohr Sameach, located at 244 Route 306, and reporting “heavy fire” in the building. It is unknown if the building has been safely evacuated. reports that the fire is in the Yeshiva’s office building. Monsey FD has requested mutual aid assistance from Hillcrest FD, and Tallman FD. Additionally, Monsey Hatzolah has been placed on stand-by & is staging on the scene.

UPDATE 4:00PM EST: The fire is in the caretakers building, which is an old house at the foot of the Ohr Sameach Campus.

UPDATE 5:00PM EST: The fire has been placed under control. Boruch Hashem there were no injuries reported.

UPDATE 11:30PM EST: The Monsey FD has been called back to the scene, and reports that the building has rekindled – and the second floor of the structure is now fully involved.


(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / YWN-Lipas / YWN-88)

5 Responses

  1. B”H it wasnt the main bldg dorms or new bldg. They are a centrally located B”M that many in the diverse communities in Monsey enjoy.

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