Flatbush Community to Help Cancer Patients: RCCS Inaugural Flatbush Dinner Tonight at El Caribe

RCCS.jpgSeveral cancer survivors, as well as many of their close relatives, will be present tonight at the Inaugural Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) Flatbush Dinner at El Caribe to pay tribute to the organization that helped them through the most horrifying of ordeals.

As RCCS provides an array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need, primarily the subsidizing of their health insurance premiums, RCCS has been responsible for helping close to 2,000 patients in the last 11 years, many of them from the Flatbush area.

Slated to address the assemblage is the father of a recent leukemia patient whose son underwent a harrowing 4-year regimen of chemotherapy, all paid for thanks to RCCS ‘s subsidizing of their health insurance policy.

The dinner, to be chaired by noted askan Elly Kleinman, will see awards presented to Moshe Rand, Avrohom Abba Sandberg, and Dr. Joel Rosenshein, and is is dedicated to the memory of Shabsi Goldstein z”l. The memory of Izzy Weinstock z”l will also be feted, as a Memorial Fund will be dedicated in his name.

But the real awardees are those who come out to further the life-saving work of RCCS and enable RCCS to continue and expand their effective Bikur Cholim and Chessed program for the sick in our community.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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