Petira of R’ Michael Eisenberg Z”L

candle12.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Michael Eisenberg Z”L, long time member of Monsey Hatzoloh [Unit 71] after a long illness R”L. R’ Michael was a big Baal Tzedakah, a tremendous Baal Chesed – known and loved by thousands. The Levaya is scheduled for at 1:00PM in Rabbi Rottenberg’s Shul (Monsey, NY) at 1:00PM.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

18 Responses

  1. A real Tzaddik and a great friend to everyone. He ran into a fire to bring out the Rebbe’s Tfillin. There is nothing that he would not do for anyone. A real loss. BDE

  2. Tears are flowing!!! What a tremendous Baal Chesed and Baal Tzedaka!! What about all the Yesomim!! He lived his life to help people!!! Hatzalah, tzedaka, whatever it was…. He was involved. The family should only know of happiness!

  3. He was the owner of Granite Guys in Rockland county,previously of Amazing Savings & Mailaway. He was the nicest man you can meet. He wiil be greatly missed by all.Hamokom yenachem eschem to his parents,brothers,sister,wife &children

  4. It is said that when a king has a rose garden he plucks the weeds so everyone can enjoy the roses. When he has a garden overgrown with weeds he picks the few roses out and takes them for himself. Michael, you made it to the King’s bouquet!

    A Nephew

  5. Moshe Michoel Binyomin,for you I am not worried.. going to oilem haemes, you bring with you lots of luggage, the little bit of gehenom that everyone needs to go through, you are also exempt – you went through that the last two years… but your wife, and wonderful children…. now you can be a meilitz yosher for them, and for klal yisroel
    bila hamuves l’netzach

  6. A holy nashama!! I was shocked when I heard of his petirah. I am sure that he went straight to olam haba. Hamokom yenachem eschem besoch sheor avayla tzion v’yerushlyaim! He will be missed by all!

  7. Yes chaza”l say that Hashem taked those he loves to Himself as He were picking a beautiful rose from a garden.
    Mechoel Z”l was by all definitions a very special person, who lived for everyone but himself. Totaly selfless, always getting involved in other peoples needs.I remember him when he was yet a young bochur, he was always talking about people in trouble, or with problems, and how they could be helped.
    In his busineses he always found new ways to give a break or help those in need. His whole life was one huge kiddush Hashem.
    Truly a great loss to klal yisroel in general, and to his family and aquaintances,in particular, and to all those he helped without seeking any publicity or fanfare.
    Since he was niftar after much yesurim, he has received any kaporoh he needed, and will surely go straight to gan eden where he will surely beseech all the other tzadikim there to join him in begging Hashem to finaly end all the suffering and hardships of klal yisroel.

    He will surely be a “meilitz yosher” for his wonderful wife/almana and his children which in all his activities he has never neglected in any way.
    Tehay nishmosso tzrura bitzror hachaim. Zechuso yogen oleinu.

  8. Hamokom yenachem eschem besoch sheor avayla tzion v’yerushlyaim!
    To all his family.
    He was definitely a true Kiddush Hashem.
    From the cousins in Monroe

  9. rebbe you showed us the right way and did it by example you stood up for the right thing and showed us how to follow you instilled this in your family so we can do the same. We could say is this the way michel would have done it. Tihay zicro boruch.

  10. Michael was truly a talmid of Avrohom Avinu in our generation. A Tzadik in our time. His Gmilas Chasadim knew no bounds. My family are one of the grateful beneficiaries of Michael and Sandy’s kindness and generosity on numerous occasions.

    HaMakom Yinachem Eschem B’soch Sh’ar Avaley Tzion V’Yershulayim.

    We truly miss him.

  11. We are in shock. We are soo sad. We had the great Zechus to meet R. Eisenberg, may his neshamah have an aliya, in Eretz Yisroel this past Succos. Such a gentle soul, such a nice and caring person with a wonderful wife and family (ben chaim l’chaim).
    May his entire family be comforted like mourners in Zion.

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