Obama to Meet with McCain

om.jpgPresident-elect Barack Obama’s transition office says the Democrat will meet with vanquished Republican rival John McCain on Monday.
In announcing the meeting, Obama spokesman Stephanie Cutter said the pair will :“discuss ways to work together” to improve the quality of government and services to the people.
Cutter also said the two will be joined at Obama’s Chicago transition office by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a McCain confidant, and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the Illinois Democrat whom Obama has chose to be his White House chief of staff.


11 Responses

  1. Sometimes I have wondered if McCain is a liberal or a conservative. Of all of the people to join forces with. I don’t like this at all.

  2. Re # 1 – Flatbush Bubby, it would benefit the entire country if Democrats and Republicans could work together, as was true, by the way, for much of the 20th century.

    The polar partisan gridlock we have seen since the 1994 elections has been counter-productive, destructive of legislative process, and is a given in polls as a major reason for Congress having such low approval ratings.

    After FDR defeated Wendell Willkie in the 1940 Presidential elections, Willkie became an FDR ally. To the chagrin of many Repblicans, Willkie called for greater national support for a number of FDR’s policy initiatives, such as Lend-Lease – and he helped FDR by leading a campaign against isolationism and for assisting Britain against Hitler.

    History records the FDR/Willkie relationship as one of the highpoints of successful bipartisan cooperation – not a bad model for Obama/McCain.


  3. Sechel

    The MGH of Agudas Yisroel issued a statement yesterday in which they said in part:

    It is incumbent upon all Jews, even those of us who may have supported the candidacy of Senator John McCain, to show President-elect Obama the proper dignity and honor due to the leader of our country – and, it goes without saying, to distance ourselves from any intemperate rhetoric that demeans the office of the presidency.

    Your crude comment above does not meet the standards they set forth.

  4. Re # 2. Sechel 4 Shchitah – the only ein orrur on this page is your post – shameful, disrespectful of the Gedolim and evidence of a lack of depth in your hoshkofa.

  5. mkarpas – (sorry i guess i didn’t use my sechel – eventhough Avohom Aveenu used this expression to his servant Eliezer which was his “Talmud Muvhuk” “Doile umashkeh” etc. which comes to show that this isn’t a disgrace – just a fact, my sechel just received some more sechel that it depends to whom the massage is given & for what purpose. Thanks for the Mussar keep on going – if people would be giving mussar when applicable, of course in a nice manner & most importantly the m’kable (receiver) be m’kable with both ears, maybe we’ll be zoiche to have Dovid Hamelech as our Melech Amein!)

  6. There are too many fascists in the GOP who, if they had their wish come true, would only want one party in America. Indirectly, that is what they are saying. Also, the notion that a democrat is less American is absurd. I support the idea that maybe we all need to work together. I think there are good and bad minds in both camps and too much hating just for the sake of hating “the other side”.

  7. Yonason, the only history has proved is when the Republicans abandon their strict conservative principles, the Democrats win. The Democrats mean liberal idealogy and in the case of FDR, a major contributing factor to the deaths of millions of Jews during WWII. It was FDR’s State Department who refused to issue entrance visas to any Jew even when the quotas weren’t filled.

  8. Working together to improve the quality of government and services for the people makes sense. Maybe this will help America become the real and true United States.

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