Hatzolah of Los Angeles Public Service Announcement

lahatz.jpgA 7.8 earthquake strikes Southern California along the San Andreas Fault! Water is unavailable for days to several weeks! Power is out! Lo aleinu there are many injured and or deceased! How do we prepare for such an event?

The US Geological Service (USGS), in conjunction with several organizations and government agencies, is conducting “The Great Southern California Shakeout” earthquake simulation tomorrow, Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. This simulation is being held all across California to bring awareness to our communities about the danger of a catastrophic earthquake.

The simulation will involve close to 5 million people who have agreed to spend a few minutes practicing their response to a major earthquake. If an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 strikes will you be prepared? What will you need to be ready? 7.8 is 50 times stronger than the 6.7 Northridge earthquake! Take a few minutes to view the videos below. You can find more information at www.shakeout.org and www.dropcoverholdon.org.

Please take a few minutes this Thursday at 10:00 a.m. to practice “Duck, Cover, and Hold On!”

Be a part of the largest earthquake drill in US history.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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